Namiko7 live webcams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Namiko7 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Unchanged is quite far from going to zero for years. Of course things change. But going to absolute zero for that long isn't normal. And of course men are shocked if that happens. So are women if the man's libido disappears completely. And some men and women do it more than before a kid. Sure some people are idiots and don't understand that things change but a majority understand it but want to work on making things better, like they were before. Rare is the person who doesn't miss something they had with a partner if it's important to them be it sex, dates, hugging or long emotional talks. Take something important out of a relationship completely that the other wants and there will be issues.

    Are you trying imply that the men and women who aren't happy with zero sex, should just what turn off the part of their selves that likes, wants or needs sex to be happy instead of trying to fix the problem? Or what?

    It's normal things change and also normal to want them not to change too much and work on problems. People shutting down and saying it is what it is stay miserable shouldn't be normal. If it was a different type of important connection that was missing for over two years would you be saying it's just what happens?

  2. Yeah.

    How are you supposedly a 53 year old man and not understand how birth control works for women? It is not used only to prevent pregnancy.

  3. No my guy I understand what you wrote, I was just making it shorter and removing all the not so important details. You can only ask her not to bring people while you're around, not tell her not to bring guys because that's desperate and not good for YOU. And do you have any proof she cheated because you only stated they talked?

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