the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Date: October 5, 2022

5 thoughts on “ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Good news is whatever is going on is treatable and you are with her. So just call your doctor get treatment and support her in treatment. Have compassion

  2. I dealt with chronic pain (it's just minor flares and niggles now), it's not fun. It sucks. Your sense of self-worth takes a massive blow and you inevitably feel left behind by friends and family. It's a total physical and psychological upheaval.

    I don't think this should be taken up with your mum, not only because she's letting you on-line rent free, but she likely feels helpless. It can't be easy on your mum to watch you suffering in pain, and I'm sure she needs at least one of them for support. Though they're doing a crappy job by just criticising you.

    I think you should bypass her and go directly to the source. Send out a group email or letters or text them outlining everything you've said in this post and how insensitive and inconsiderate they're being. Be honest, but not insulting and don't let your anger get the better of you. Tell them that you and your mum have an agreement and it's working out so far. The rest, is really none of their business. Just tell them what you're willing to about your circumstances. Make it clear that you're not arguing their relationship with your mum, you just want them to stop criticising your life when things are hard enough. It no doubt stresses your mum out too (maybe even run a draft by her).

    I do think your mum is in a difficult position, but I can understand why you're so upset about her not defending you, especially given the circumstance.

    I sincerely hope you're able to get to the bottom of what's causing your pain. Good luck, OP. The process can be long and difficult, but hang in there! Sending good vibes your way.

  3. I feel like if you made mock plans with that female friend it might snap something in her mind like this shit is actually happening then again it might cause more headache idk i do find it funny she knows how you feel yet just disregaurds your feelings. Maybe a phone call to the dude to curb his late night drinking with your girl is a good starter

  4. She needs secular therapy like YESTERDAY.

    Good for her for getting sober, but clearly the drugs were there to numb the internalized homophobia. She needs to get sorted, but until she does, she's not going to be a good partner for you.

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