Lilith1993 live! webcams for YOU!


⭐, SPANK PUSSY⭐ [111 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

18 thoughts on “Lilith1993 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Just from the response,you should drop both of them. No real friend or partner does that.

    There was always something between them and you don’t wanna see it on day when you come home.

  2. I definitely wouldn't need to worry about that then and agree about this. She hasn't acknowledged this the last 6 months and I don't think she will now or in the future. I don't want to chase her asking her to realise because nothing good comes from that. She has to realise herself if she wants this marriage to continue or end. I can't put thoughts into her, she has to think to herself.

  3. Thank you! we find ourselves having conversations about our future all the time, this one just stumped us really bad. I think your suggestion is very good, I'll run it by her when she wakes up. thanks again 🙂

  4. She isolated you so she had this type of control over you. Go back to where you came from and live! your life in peace, surrounded by people that aren’t trying to control and abuse you, while hanging your reliance that she created, over your head.

  5. yeah a little bit of man flu 🙂 I think it triggers me double because my mother was very hypochondric my whole childhood and unaware of it. So it was a lot of birthdays or other events where she suddenly wouldn't feel good because she was feeling overwhelmed a lot and suddenly everything was about her again. As and adult I know this is a bit over the top. Of course he doesn't want everything to be about him when I am not well but I guess deep down this reminds me on how I had to be strong for my mother a lot of times instead of being cared for by her.

  6. Why not test drive the whole living together first before committing? Spend a month in his place and vice versa and see what happens there. If it goes south you have your current place to fall back on.

  7. Unfortunately, smokers don't understand the extent of their stink. That smell will linger for years, even after you quit, it is so deeply embedded in everything from your skin to clothes to your home it is just coated, you didn't mask anything. This is just a wait it out as she won't be able to help how her body reacts to those smells and secondhand smoke is also not good for the fetus. You should quit for your health but if you don't want to it is completely your choice and you should do what you want but if your wife needs you to stay away because of it you should respect that as that is her right.

  8. It's fiction, I clicked on his profile and his age is wildly different on every post. 8 hours ago he was a 42 year old woman.

  9. I just been going thru alot and it's built alot of hatred in me

    I don't think I'm good for u.

    I'm jus an angry person now not really fucking w anything at all.

    I honestly don't see my life going down a good path

    I'm a passive person

    My suggestion would be to end things. He's telling you who he is and what he wants, he just doesn't want to be the “bad guy” in the scenario. There are people out there that tend to make their partner end things for whatever reason instead of doing it themselves. Either they want to play the victim (Oh poor me, they dumped me) for sympathy, to get their friends on their side (can you believe she had the nerve to dump me??), or even so that the partner doesn't hate them (well, you dumped me, so I am not the bad guy here).

    You asked if this is normal/common. It's not. He is throwing in a ton of red flags that would cause me to end a relationship with someone local. Long distance is extremely hard already without adding in the issues he is causing.

  10. You’re not doing anything wrong. It doesn’t seem like he cares about you anywhere near as much as you care about him. He said that watching a movie with you would WASTE 4 hours of his life. He shouldn’t consider any time spent with you to be a “waste”. He also shouldn’t be testing you to see when/if you’ll check on him by ghosting you for days. He’s 32 but he’s acting more like he’s 13. My bf was ~35 when we got together + I was ~23. He was not/is not hard to deal with + he’s never felt the need to test me in any way to check if I care. I understand you want to work things out but it sounds like you’re the only one that’ll be doing the working + he’ll just keep doing what he’s doing.

  11. You can be mad at this girl without being transphobic. Like wouldn't you be just as pissed if he slept with a cis girl you knew?

  12. This is something that we have talked about and I’ve expressed how I need to go on trips sometimes even though she may not be able to go every time because of work. She’s always invited. After talking she understood that she needs to have a more positive outlook on me going when she isn’t able too. I recently went on a snowboarding trip that she wasn’t able to go on and she was fine. Years ago I didn’t have a care in the world and would party nude every weekend but a few years back I made a big change for the better, got myself together and only surrounded my self with people who are good influences on my life. First time I slipped up in years and it just happened out of the blue. I worked very hot to make a better life for myself and be successful. I just had a random slip up, felt ashamed and lied about it. I just don’t understand how canceling this trip is going to prove anything. It just felt weird because she expressed how I shouldn’t go before this happened .

  13. That edit was seriously the best thing I've read all day. Proud of you for standing up for yourself and realizing your worth!!!

  14. Then I apologize! Our company never facilitated, just connected to outside sources for that. We were always told that was the standard policy. Maybe we were doing it wrong.

  15. First things first, hopefully you mean ex boyfriend.

    Tell him that if he doesn’t pay you, you will report it to the bank as a fraudulent transaction, the bank will request a police report, and you will let the chips fall where they may. Threatening him with a potential criminal record, even if it’s only over a tiny sum, might be enough to get him to pay up.

    You should talk to the bank regardless, and get them to send you a new card with a new number. You can also ask them to revoke the CPA (continuous payment authority) to that payee. They may try and pretend they can’t, but they definitely can. Refer to it as a CPA; there’s a specific code of practice the bank should follow.

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