Pamela-queen online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 16, 2022

15 thoughts on “Pamela-queen online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You two have polar opposite views. For whatever reason, she is getting satisfaction/validation/excitement/self-esteem/happiness/whatever from this and she is adamant about it too. For any relationship it is better to try to understand where the other person is coming from, i.e. the reasons for their behavior, attitude, beliefs. If you want to stay with her then do that. There is a saying: Be curious, not furious. Listen without judgment.

  2. Hahaha “is it a red flag” hahahah.

    I'm not trying to be a dick, or joking, but that you think it might be a red flag comes across as a red flag. Like, you come across as a red flag because you think you're so entitled to head that if she doesn't give it, it's a red flag. That's some sort of fucked up bro.

    Outside of that, if you won't feel fulfilled without it in a relationship, 100% consider ending this. You deserve a fulfilling relationship. Just like your girlfriend does.

  3. That's his deal breaker that he can't handle any more, so let it be.

    Find someone who isn't going to freak out that you don't share your food from your utensils.

    (Splitting off and sharing before you dig in is ust fine and a good compromise)

  4. ” There” as in “you married your high school sweetheart so you've been with her for so long you just take her for granted”.

  5. I think your husband is so good at gaslighting you, that you gaslight yourself and others to ensure they believe the best in his intentions. But you don’t genuinely believe that, because if you didn’t your brain wouldn’t be sending out escape routes like this post, trying to ensure you survive a situation you know is giving alert signals. Someone you love told you, a person who is depressed to kill themselves. That alone is mental abuse and if there’s one thing you can bet on, abuse will never stop.

    So I guess you’ll have to decide who’s more important. Yourself or keeping him happy while he abuses you.

  6. Nope. Nopenopenopenope.

    I’ve been married over a decade, this is not acceptable behaviour from a partner. You were assaulted

  7. Same same same. Similar situation, exact same outcome. Turns out, public humiliation is a big effing red flag. Weird, right?

    Consider my lesson learned. For as long as I live, I will never again be with a person so insecure that they would join a group in bullying me.

  8. I know this isn’t the main point but it needs mentioned as it seems like your focus is on exercising.

    No you don’t lose weight via exercise.

    You get stronger via exercise.

    Exercise does not burn many calories overall in comparison to how easy it is to overeat thousands of calories.

    You lose weight via eating less calories. It is FAR too easy to eat back exercise calories so it should never be the focus for weight loss. Food should be. Exercise for health.

    She could still eat her junk food she won’t chuck out, she just has to limit portions.

    She doesn’t have to exercise at all (but it would make her feel better).

    Like she could go to the gym and work out for an hour and hate it and be in pain and burn 500 calories.

    Or she could eat 500-1000 less calories a day and lose weight even with no exercise. A bit of exercise on top (even walking) just helps make a bigger deficit. But focus should NOT be on exercising to lose weight. It should be eating less calories to lose weight, and exercising for health and wellness.

    Her daily calorie needs to maintain her weight if she sits down all day are about 2400. She’s eating more than that (maybe up to 3000) to continue gaining every year.

    So if she ate 1,800 a day she’d lose weight even if she lay in bed all day.

    There are loads of options to track calories and portion sizes but an app like lose it and a food scale make it easy.

    I’ve lost 60lbs without cutting out junk food or joining a gym. Just being conscious of portion sizes.

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