Aleja and David, ✨ https://onlyfans.com/soyalejaaaa ✨, 22 y.o.
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Aleja and David, ✨ https://onlyfans.com/soyalejaaaa ✨
Date: January 10, 2023
You woke up
You felt the situation was weird
You wanted to leave
Then you two cuddled and sex for some hours (you couldn't have felt that weird)
You said he had no game and proved it during your leave taking. What did you expect?
Frankly, it sounds you wanted to leave and if he sensed that, he just played it straight and let you go, instead of begging for your approval.
Sorry, this sounds as much about you not understanding how you got so wild and unrestrained with this guy, the guy with no game, who treated you a a person first.
Would be the same jealousy, insecure, controlling problem.
Your girlfriend either decided to be alone with someone she knows has credible rape allegations against himself. And despite knowing that, she was alone with him and he tried to assault her.
Your girlfriend is lying because she chose to get frisky with this guy and something about the circumstances made her think you might catch her cheating.
Either way, it's not looking good for you.
Also, the second choice is far more likely.
Run bro. And take the kids. She's a timebomb
Yeah I've mentioned that to him, but he gets upset if I end our calls early. It's becoming unnecessarily stressful and I just wish he understood.
Is this the first time something like this has happened? I think she has every right to be angry (and you’re just going to have to give her a little time and space to be), but if you’ve cancelled other things at the very last minute you are really risking your relationship.
If it’s ongoing, talk to her about creating a shared calendar so you will both be blocked off for the important stuff. Don’t force it, but she will likely be relieved that you have come up with a way to be accountable.
this is definitely abuse. your GF is a terrible person. you say you dont want to leave bc youre scared you wont find anyone else, and ill say 1. you will definitely find someone else at some point, but you must leave in order to get to that point. and 2. its better to be alone anyway than in a relationship with someone like this. you said before dating her you'd only get depressed for only a day, and now it lasts weeks. she isolates you socially and beats you down emotionally (and i guess physically too) im order to exert control and make you feel like you cant be without her. you dont need her. i know youre an adult, but you should talk to your parents about what youre going through. as others have suggested, therapy would be worthwhile as well. you have the strength within you to leave, you just have to find it. you will be so much better off without her, i promise you.