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AlexHoe_live sex stripping with Live HD


8 thoughts on “AlexHoe_live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Different scenario. We don't know the size/budget for the wedding. Also, a girlfriend is not the same as a spouse.

  2. “cause she wants her holes filled”

    lmao if the genders were reversed a comment like this would be downvoted to hell

  3. Lose the boyfriend. Neither of you trust each other and it seems unlikely that you'll be able to build that trust back up while he's trying to control who you talk to and what you're allowed to say to them.

  4. I suggested he goes to therapy. He said that his mom helps him through his issues when he talks to her (she’s in Korea so she’s not here). I told him that his mom is so lovely and sweet but he needs more help than just talking to his mom

  5. You behave like a woman, in a bad sense of that word.

    Oh good, a heaping helping of good old fashioned misogyny on top of absolutely terrible advice.

  6. I agree..

    The second thing you wrote might be something worth trying with him. We are going to talk again after work. So maybe it’s something I should throw out there.

    Thank you !

  7. Thanks for your response. I have told her about separating our relationship and her parents. After that she wasn’t as talkative because like I said they are the focal point of her conversation. It’s not like they are causing her to be this way she is actively choosing it. I actually enjoy her parents and would hang out with them without her but she is so uptight.

  8. To quote the iconic Harvey Danger – if you’re bored then you’re boring! What interests you, independent of your relationship? I need to have my own personal life, and lots of alone time to pursue all my reading, gaming, shows, art, music, etc or else I get bored. It’s not my husbands job to entertain me. He just has to occasionally act interested when I nerd out about the latest sci-fi book I’m reading or hike I went on or PR I hit on a run. When we plan dates, my criteria is it has to be a meal + an activity to qualify as a date. We go axe throwing or bowling or watch a movie then get food, plenty to talk about.

    Also one day we decided we had too much free time and money so we had a kid, that certainly keeps life interesting (if you’re into that).

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