AliceSky07 live! sex cams for YOU!


AliceSky07 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 3, 2022

9 thoughts on “AliceSky07 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Ok-Permission-3145,

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  2. It’s too late for him to back out. You’re already 16 weeks and you went through IVF to get pregnant. It may not happen that easily if you wait.

    What he’s doing is cruel! You went through all of the sonograms and blood tests, hormone therapy and egg retrieval and implantation to get pregnant and now he’s giving you an ultimatum between you and your baby? And he thinks you’ll choose him? Why would you want to stay with him when he does this?

    Everyone gets cold feet and gets nervous, but you work through it. He’s 38. If he’s not ready now, he’s not going to be in a year.

  3. Regardless of your relationship with your step daughter, she should be informed of her mother wearing her boyfriend's clothes to bed. No matter how you look at this, something's fuckey.

  4. I thought the engagement was supposed to be a surprise?

    Nope. Its never a good idea for it to be a surprise.

    HOW the proposal happens should be the surprise, but that someone proposes should never, ever be a surprise.

  5. Get rid of this shithead. Don’t waste any more time entertaining this selfish AH. There are better partners who will put aside their thing to care for a SO when life requires it.

  6. On the one hand, it's not often you get the kind of freedom that she has, and it makes sense she wants to take advantage of it while she can.

    On the other hand, you have been together for two years. She at the very least should have told you she was planning this. The fact that she didn't indicates to me that she doesn't really see your relationship as a partnership and a building of a shared life; she still sees the two of you as independent human beings who just hang out sometimes. Which isn't wrong necessarily but since the both of you don't feel the same it's obviously an issue.

    All this being said you do come across slightly judgmental of her financial choices. I think your best bet is to approach this from an emotional standpoint and not bring money into it at all. Be honest about your feelings. Don't say “you're selling your house and you don't care about my opinion” say “I want to build a future with you, and I'm not feeling like that's a shared goal, do you want to do that with me?” and don't say “You should have spent your bonus on something normal” say “I really wish you had told me about the trip ahead of time, I want to be involved in your life” or something.

    If you can send her a text now and say “I really want to talk about this more but I'm collecting my thoughts, I'll reach out to you tomorrow” or whatever, that would be good. Then write down or think about some of the main things you want to say, keep it reasonably short and open-ended (so she can respond and it can be a conversation) and don't assume anything about her thoughts or feelings (like don't be like “you did this because you don't care about me” but be more like “why is it that you didn't tell me about this when you were planning it?”). And I hope it goes well.

    Also, do you live! together or not? You say you do but then you mention staying at her place. If you do live together it's even more reason you should be in the loop about major plans.

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