Alicia Castillo on-line webcams for YOU!


♡, ♡Ride torso♡♡ [Multi Goal]

Date: October 3, 2022

18 thoughts on “Alicia Castillo on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I agree, this seems to be the right thing to do. It’s so stupid to cancel a lifetime dream over such a silly thing though.

  2. Your boyfriend thinks it’s fine that his cousin rapes children. What else do you really need to know about him? This isn’t about boundaries, it’s about him being a piece of shit person.

  3. OPs last post includes comments that whole family doesn’t like him so he won’t meet them. So that’s something.

  4. Has he raised these issues with you, and asked you to work on them? Because honestly, if he hasn't, then he has just as much to work on when it comes to communication than you.

  5. A woman after child birth feels and actually is incredibly vulnerable. Her body feels like she's been hit by a bus; she's breastfeeding every two hours round the clock, so isn't able to get the restorative sleep she needs to heal well. She's mostly dependant on you, and even the hint that you could abandon her truly feels like the end of the world. That's likely why she over reacted to you wanting to play your video game. That and the fact that her brain and body are surging with weird post partum hormones. She's overly emotional, probably not thinking super clearly, and it sounds like she may have some post partum depression as well. First, do yourself a favor and don't ever mention your sore legs from rocking baby to the woman who just went through labor. Second, you're both under a lot of stress, and sleep deprivation. Honestly all of this could be blamed on the sleep deprivation it literally makes people insane. At the next appropriate opportunity, let her know you're sleep deprived, under stress, and emotional (mot as much as her, but still), and you messed up and let your emotions take over and reacted badly. You didn't mean any of it, of course, and let's start fresh. She kind of did the same thing, but she had a much better reason- she's been through the most intense physical wracking – and when she made it through she immediately had to start carrying for a newborn with no break or rest in between.

  6. One of my friends had a rich family. Let’s call her Sam. So when my other friend say “Do you like Sam?” I responded with. Not really, but if I did I’d try to get into the family profit.” Then my other friend would laugh, send a photo to Sam, and say I was talking shit.

    It’s not like this is a secret either. She has a naked tub, a big house, etc. But when my other friends make fun of her saying that she’s not attractive and that she’s rich. Everyone laughs it off and don’t say anything about shit talking.

  7. Keep in mind also your age will make it harder the further you go

    OP has already acknowledged her age…I don't think reminding her to “keep it in mind” is helpful. I'm pretty sure it's already on her mind A LOT.

  8. They’re going to trial if needed. No way would they return the phone if an arrest is imminent. That phone has to have chain of custody all over it.

  9. That's a fair point, I'm sorry I didn't explain more about the things I really do adore and appreciate about her. I commented above to another poster explaining in more detail. I think it's possible to love someone for all their flaws, isn't that something people say? Not that her choices are flaws, but it's the overall idea that your partner will sometimes do things that irritate you. I guess I was just trying to see if others thought it was worth fighting for, or if it was something I should work on getting over myself.

  10. If you think people kidnap other people to make sex videos, it's a reach. Could it happen, sure, is it common, no. Porn hub does have an authentication process, not that it can't still be abused, but there is a system in place to make it all unlikely.

  11. I know you’re going to get recommendations for couples therapy but that only works if both people recognize a problem and want to work toward a solution together. It doesn’t sound like she can even manage a civil conversation.

    It’s good, I guess, that her family recognizes that she’s out of line. Is there anyone in her life who could talk some sense into her? Or at least ask her “do you think this is a normal way to talk to your spouse and child?” And get some answers. Sadly if she oblivious or thinks this is justified I don’t know what or who or how anything will get through to her.

    Did this ramp up after your son was born?

  12. Btw….let the gym know, he should be fired for that. You don't look up a customers info for personal use.

  13. Yeah but attach it to an emotion. “I feel frustrated because you seem jealous of my friends”

  14. I'm not talking about a specific medical issue here. How are periods medical issue? UTI was just an example. As I said, race has nothing to do with it and edited that part in the post. If you really want to help, I would suggest you read the post again and really try to understand what I mean.

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