Analu-squirts live! sex cams for YOU!


analu-squirts Public Chat Channel

Date: October 27, 2022

10 thoughts on “Analu-squirts live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. If people threaten with taking their life IF you don't do this or that, get them the help you need. Use the communication and the picture as proof, call a doctor, send them his way. He's emotionally blackmailing you and it's not your fault. This is the best you can do for him. He knows what he's doing and while it's sad that he has mental health issues, he doesn't get to abuse you over it. That's all you can do for him. Send him help.

    And you know .. watch how quickly he'll try to say he's suddenly fine when it's taken seriously.

  2. You make a lot of excuses for your wife. From what I’m reading you’re making sacrifice after sacrifice for her and your life together and it doesn’t appear that she can even be bothered to consider what you’re going through.

    If you don’t resent her already, I have a feeling you will down the road. I would consider maybe couples therapy to discuss these issues because you’ve made it seem like she is incapable of discussing any issues there may be.

  3. I give a pass for a 22 year old idiot. Her grandpa/boyfriend’s frontal lobe is fully developed though so what’s his excuse?

  4. I assume he isn't using his powers of possession, mind control, and body manipulation currently. She'd probably write a post about his incest / non consensual behavior (or super powers) if he was doing that, but all she found was a writer writing fiction LOL

  5. I mean will trust that she is carrying your child and will have the best interests for the family or herself? Sorting out the issues will take time and she isn’t the youngest anymore.

  6. Interesting stuff, and yeah I catch your drift.. not scared tho, I can protect myself (and her if needed). And yeah theres a possibility I get played later on, I'm fully aware of that, but still willing to risk the bisket, from what I know she's just a really sweet person

  7. Especially because they were lying and admitted they can’t afford to buy the car back. Car is also daughter’s passion car she has modded out over the years.

  8. Her father taught her well. I’m glad she decided to leave. You are obviously the one at fault unless you try to convince yourself the majority of people on Reddit are all like your ex. You certainly have a lot of grudges against your ex and it’s not healthy.

  9. You married an underemployed man almost a decade your junior and I have a hunch it was nowhere near long enough between meeting and marriage. What were you thinking? I am sure he's a delightful playmate but what made you think he would be a solid partner?

    He's not going to grow up in the next 36 weeks, so if you're going have the baby, either exit the marriage or resign yourself to being responsible for 2 children

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