15 thoughts on “B3llaspring live! webcams for YOU!”
Did you not think how ridiculous it was to type all of this out? Having to justify why you went and bought some ingredients for a dinner? I understand she has medical issues, but we all have issues of our own, and I wouldn't take being called abusive lightly. As others have suggested, maybe she's better off staying with family for a little bit so you both have breathing space, because nothing I've read sounds abusive whatsoever. It sounds like you're in a financially desperate situation and are prioritising food and sustenance over an eye test, which I can't see as being unreasonable.
I do! I’ll definitely look into it. That’s very interesting. My mom would’ve been going to elementary school in Tustin around that time- I’ll have to ask her if she remembers anything about it.
I’m not disagreeing with you that there is a cartel issue in Mexico at all. Or that the us congress is practically married to the NRA at this point- But just that statistically – that baby is more likely to die by gun violence in America than they are to encounter the cartel on jet skis.
Therapy is always great, even when there’s nothing out of the ordinary, but in this case (to also calm your American-centric concern) OP should really just come to a realization that requires the advice of someone who’s definitely more hands-on with the problem: aka survivors of alcohol poisoning. Therapy should be (also) for her nonchalance towards dangerous situations, but indulging in drinking per se is not indicative of a problem with alcohol, but it should come second to a direct experience in this specific field.
The reason I say this is because I’ve seen, second handedly, that this succeeds decently: a colleague of mine that works with addictions is also the mediator (I’m not sure this is the appropriate word in English, but I think is close enough) of a group of survivors (they are mixed, some from alcohol some from other kinds of substances) and one thing many other colleagues do is calling this people to speak to others is situations similar to OP’s. Ad it works, at least in preventing them from dying on the spot.
Also, this is a separate matter, but insisting on what is and what isn’t addiction is incredibly important. Especially for Americans. Alcohol is still stigmatized (for sure a lot more than in many parts of the world) and not knowing what constitutes a specific behavior can only worsen both the stigma and the problem itself. You are right, the health system approach is horrifying, but it’s a completely separated matter from being conscious of what behavior is for what (one can perfectly know what alcoholism or other dangerous similar conducts are, and at the same time find a way to bend the problem in an acceptable way to have it evaluated through insurance).
I don't understand why keep this relationship then? You say, it would be great to stop, esp healthwise. But both proceed on drinking, due to him not wanting to be with someone, who doesn't (wanna) drink. Yet complains, about stuff that happens after getting drunk? You see it yourself? Both of you, cannot take alcohol, as it seems. Just fucking stop if you want to, you are not bound to him. Stop searching for reason to stay with him, when you obviously know what Reddits gonna tell you.
Also, tell your boyfriend his jokes are hurting your feelings and he needs to stop. He told you there was a problem and you will get it taken care of. Enough said.
Thanks, but I’d take it a step further. When people ever talk about something where “so and so talked about me to everyone and made up stories”, “so and so recorded my conversation” or “so and so called the cops” in ANY situation, all I hear is “TOO MUCH DRAMA” and walk clean away from that crap.
Turnip ?. Thank you, I guess I am not sure how to have a conversation about it with him without him getting his back up but I feel like I still should say something
Also, what pay cut? She's working part-time and was comparing salaries once she actually obtains a job upon graduating. This logic is skewed. OP just doesn't want to work, but travel on her husband dime.
Did you not think how ridiculous it was to type all of this out? Having to justify why you went and bought some ingredients for a dinner? I understand she has medical issues, but we all have issues of our own, and I wouldn't take being called abusive lightly. As others have suggested, maybe she's better off staying with family for a little bit so you both have breathing space, because nothing I've read sounds abusive whatsoever. It sounds like you're in a financially desperate situation and are prioritising food and sustenance over an eye test, which I can't see as being unreasonable.
thank you my brother ??
I do! I’ll definitely look into it. That’s very interesting. My mom would’ve been going to elementary school in Tustin around that time- I’ll have to ask her if she remembers anything about it.
I’m not disagreeing with you that there is a cartel issue in Mexico at all. Or that the us congress is practically married to the NRA at this point- But just that statistically – that baby is more likely to die by gun violence in America than they are to encounter the cartel on jet skis.
Therapy is always great, even when there’s nothing out of the ordinary, but in this case (to also calm your American-centric concern) OP should really just come to a realization that requires the advice of someone who’s definitely more hands-on with the problem: aka survivors of alcohol poisoning. Therapy should be (also) for her nonchalance towards dangerous situations, but indulging in drinking per se is not indicative of a problem with alcohol, but it should come second to a direct experience in this specific field.
The reason I say this is because I’ve seen, second handedly, that this succeeds decently: a colleague of mine that works with addictions is also the mediator (I’m not sure this is the appropriate word in English, but I think is close enough) of a group of survivors (they are mixed, some from alcohol some from other kinds of substances) and one thing many other colleagues do is calling this people to speak to others is situations similar to OP’s. Ad it works, at least in preventing them from dying on the spot.
Also, this is a separate matter, but insisting on what is and what isn’t addiction is incredibly important. Especially for Americans. Alcohol is still stigmatized (for sure a lot more than in many parts of the world) and not knowing what constitutes a specific behavior can only worsen both the stigma and the problem itself. You are right, the health system approach is horrifying, but it’s a completely separated matter from being conscious of what behavior is for what (one can perfectly know what alcoholism or other dangerous similar conducts are, and at the same time find a way to bend the problem in an acceptable way to have it evaluated through insurance).
There is no saving this relationship. I don't think a lot people would be able get past that.
I don't understand why keep this relationship then? You say, it would be great to stop, esp healthwise. But both proceed on drinking, due to him not wanting to be with someone, who doesn't (wanna) drink. Yet complains, about stuff that happens after getting drunk? You see it yourself? Both of you, cannot take alcohol, as it seems. Just fucking stop if you want to, you are not bound to him. Stop searching for reason to stay with him, when you obviously know what Reddits gonna tell you.
My mind says that depending on where he comes from, his parents will only accept a female if the parents arranged the marriage.
Also, tell your boyfriend his jokes are hurting your feelings and he needs to stop. He told you there was a problem and you will get it taken care of. Enough said.
Thanks, but I’d take it a step further. When people ever talk about something where “so and so talked about me to everyone and made up stories”, “so and so recorded my conversation” or “so and so called the cops” in ANY situation, all I hear is “TOO MUCH DRAMA” and walk clean away from that crap.
Instead of torturing yourself, just contact her. You've been together only a month or so, things shouldn't be rocky already.
Instead of torturing yourself, just contact her. You've been together only a month or so, things shouldn't be rocky already.
Almost exactly the way I read this.
Turnip ?. Thank you, I guess I am not sure how to have a conversation about it with him without him getting his back up but I feel like I still should say something
You've asked over and over again for him to make an effort and time and time again, he doesn't follow through.
You've given him plenty of chances. It's time to walk away.
Also, what pay cut? She's working part-time and was comparing salaries once she actually obtains a job upon graduating. This logic is skewed. OP just doesn't want to work, but travel on her husband dime.