Blonde Rider the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Blonde Rider, 93 y.o.


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Blonde Rider live sex chat

Date: September 25, 2022

11 thoughts on “Blonde Rider the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Your husband is being an asshole in the way he's communicating to you, but you're also being RIDICULOUSLY irrational about fear of pregnancy. The tubes the carry the egg to the uterus are literally severed or blocked. How they hell is that egg supposed to get to the uterus? Unless you have the ability to walk through walls, chill out with your irrational fears.

    Secondly, it sounds like you have more complicated fabrics weaved into your situation, but I would be so let down of my only sexual future withy partner was to put condoms on every time. Like, it's your choice, but it's his choice of he wants to stay with you and live! like that. Sex with a condom feels more like a simulation than having sex “raw”. It's necessary in a pinch for pregnancy disease prevention, but it's extremely limiting in the satisfaction department.

    If my wife adopted a stance that required a condom every time, I'd either ask her permission for me to find a extramarital safe-sex partner. If she said no I'd probably leave the marriage and divorce my wife. It's that big of a deal, to me at least. And I don't think I'm alone I'm that feeling. If he stays with you he's just going to be growing an enormous reservoir of resentment towards you until he, gasp starts acting like an asshole all the time. Resentment is dangerously toxic and is as easy to clean away as crude-oil spill.

    Both of you need to go to couple's therapy over this, or your marriage may head un an irreversible direction that leads to the end of your relationship. It's my guess that your husband has been torn between wanting to be with you and also wanting to find sexual happiness. He doesn't want to leave, but as he's torn, he's already begun to resent you. When it comes to resentment, it's not realistically possible to just “not feel that way” or to “will it away”. It doesn't work that way. Resentment comes from core value sorts of feelings that are part of who we are since birth. So, your marriage needs triage and it needs it ASAP.

  2. Hello /u/Zee-4203,

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  3. How do you know he doesn't know you know? Maybe he does know that you're aware he sexts other women and you still won't leave. Maybe that sounds to him like quite the catch, hence the ring shopping.

  4. You painted this in a wildly different light.

    Maybe just because it’s an emotional time for you.

    I fell in love when I was 23. I lived with her. She was my everything. My first love.

    She wanted to move to Detroit with her sister and I wanted to move to Phoenix.

    We split just like that, on good terms, myself still very in love.

    It took me four years to start dating again. I didn’t even have sex for four years. I was mourning a death basically. It was horrible.

    That’s why I was so passionate about this post.

    But since then I have dated a lot, never really ever felt that spark again with anyone.

    4 weeks ago I randomly met someone that gave me that feeling I haven’t felt in 13+ years now.

    I’m smitten once again in my life. Enjoying every single second with someone. Total highschool butterflies type crush.

    So although it’s hot to deal with initially, at some point everything comes back around and you’ll be fine.

    Sorry for the long winded story. I just want to let you know that things always get better as long as you don’t close yourself off.

  5. dude your post history shows you’ve been bombarding these women with messages for weeks. you were told in your previous posts to leave them alone and you’re not going to get a different answer now. you aren’t entitled to reasons. it sucks, but that’s how it is.

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