BuxDelight online webcams for YOU!


2 thoughts on “BuxDelight online webcams for YOU!

  1. Is there something I could do or say to her to make her change her mind?

    Apparently not. You'd think having a physical reaction to her shampoo that she verbally expresses sympathy for would be enough – but, it's obviously not.

    Am I asking too much of her?

    No! There are billions of shampoos on the market, that will do the same shit her current bottle does. There is no reason why she can't, at least, try a different shampoo to see if that's really the issue … at a minimum.

    I kind of feel like I’m going crazy.

    No, she's totally in the wrong here. I don't understand her 'take' on this … your boyfriend is physically reacting to a product you're using? You change products! It's so damn simple.

    She just doesn't believe you or doesn't care. Either way – she's being selfish and shitty.

  2. Sadly, people just aren’t THAT kind. He has ulterior motives. Don’t let the legality of your visa lie in the hands of a stranger – even if they make promises and seem genuine.

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