Catlucif on-line sex chats for YOU!


Deepthroat drooling [Multi Goal]

Date: February 19, 2023

7 thoughts on “Catlucif on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I didn’t clear my phone prior to meeting them and they stumbled across an explicit video from a previous relationship. We took a major hit with that

  2. I think she's doing the right thing. I'd like to know about this red flag before investing too much time in someone. Unless the dude is super ugly / fat / disabled, then I'm out. I don't want to compete for my woman's attention with another guy.

  3. A “friend” of yours was the person a male of your females friends cheated on her but you would put her in that position. That is not considerate. Also you are of those persons that would put the cheater with the cheatee in the same room only for your own “special” day . Very considerate indeed.

  4. When you are right you are right!

    It's always the ex was emotionally abusive or was a cheater and they are always the victim.

    OP hasn't replied to any comments to I'm interested in seeing what she says. According to the comments in the prior post they were long distance for most of the relationship..

    I dont knw how she's gonna explain tht one. I've seen the same instances where they go “oh no that wasn't me it was a friend” but like it's a literal throwaway.. can't your friend make one… ?

    Some woman do alot to justify this sick behavior and posters were commenting how OP basically did that in the previous post. I really hope she honestly didn't stay with a man that beat the hell out of her and then proceeds to call him the man of her dreams because LORD YOU NEED BETTER DREAMS THEN!

  5. Unless you are pretty much completely lying about your joke, this guy is an irrational asshole. And telling your kids that you’re being stupid?

    Get counseling for yourself. Ditching you with 3 kids and then constantly texting you and doubting your apology? That’s not cool. Of course you are confused and exhausted.

  6. Where did I say anything in that comment to defend him?

    What I did say is that she was shitty too.

    In the real world, sometimes both people in an interaction are behaving like assholes.

    His behavior was completely unjustified.

    But she deliberately demeaned him, and it's baffling to me that people can read what she, herself, wrote and not see that she deliberately asked him a loaded question and then demeaned him for his response.

    They both sound like childish jerks.

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