Ccrystallee online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

10 thoughts on “Ccrystallee online sex cams for YOU!

  1. The earring could've been stuck in the clothing of someone who came over, or ot could've been stuck on your clothing when you returned from visiting friends/sitting in a public place that also seats people with earrings.

    Or maybe it was on the ground by your front door and you accidentally kicking Inside when you walked trough the door.

    There really are explanations here that make more sense than your boyfriend cheating.

  2. OP’s comment about how he responded similarly in another context where he absolutely should’ve shown empathy. So, after that and what he said to her here, she’s on Reddit trying to ~figure him out~ instead of asking how to break up with him.

  3. Yes and my partner is the sole earner. He wouldn't lend her that much money. Quite frankly, neither would I. It's credit card debt. Not a great sign that she needs a loan to cover debt.

  4. No but I have been in a somewhat similar situation, more in his brother's role, and in our case the idiot threatened to hit her again

  5. If you decide to go through it and marry this guy anyway, good luck having children (if you are) or making any big life decisions together. You will end up hating and resenting him.

  6. I was in your situation once and the counselor said the same shit, but ironically the counselor being a sexiest piece of shit made my husband angry bc it was so obvious. Weirdly enough it was a male counselor too saying I wasn’t doing enough. You’re better off stopping and saving the money to afford a better one for just yourself at this point.

  7. This entire comment section and post is insane. She accused her (ex) boyfriend of being abusive based off something that someone else said about him and even when he denied it ever happened, she insisted it was true. The mother has admitted that what she said was false. I said she didn’t need to stay with him as this dynamic is toxic and dealing with narcissistic parents is difficult.

    We don’t know if he is on the lease, OP has not said if he is, just that he “lives with” her. Even if he isn’t on the lease, if he has lived there for 30 days he has tenants rights and still can’t just be kicked out. I don’t understand how he is being toxic. Because he wants to act like things are back to normal? That’s not a healthy way to deal with confrontation, but it doesn’t sounds like he’s being given much space to talk about this stuff.

    Yes, if you are careful cats won’t escape. But they do and they can because they’re SMART. I have two cats and have had indoor cats my whole life. I wholeheartedly understand their behavior. They can escape even if they’ve never done it before. Maybe he wasn’t as careful as he should be, but that doesn’t mean he picked the cat up and put it outside all night intentionally. That’s ridiculous.

    I’m don’t arguing this point. OP sucks for her actions. Period.

  8. He got in too deep but one of his last messages was calling her an angel? He’s actively encouraging this behavior. I think you know in your heart that this is crossing a line and he was a willing participant.

    I’ve been married for 6 years and both of us can text with the opposite sex without overstepping. I had to cut an ex-coworker off because he wasn’t respecting the fact that I was married. Nothing is worth risking my marriage over.

  9. But what I don't get is you guys were FWB at some point he could have confessed to you if he had feelings

    If he had feelings for you before dating your friend it definitely sounds like he was using her

    If It was during the relationship with the friend

    at this point, he's already slept with you and has spent a long time with you before dating someone long distance

    So why would he wait

    The “he didn't have a chance” is Bs

    his feelings were never strong enough

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