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Cute_Nicole_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams


20 thoughts on “Cute_Nicole_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. So, you're insinuating that a male director, producer, and writer, all being male, can't create a character for a male to gaze at? You realize there are whole popular series dedicated to gay relationships, all created by men, right?

    Anime is a male dominated field, for a male dominated audience. Sure, there are plenty of females employed and that write, direct, and produce, and plenty of female viewers, but it's mainly men. And they create almost every type of show out there, from gay, lesbian, tentacle, drama, horror. With and without fanservice.

    If someone has an issue with the fanservice, stop watching it, or watch the censored version, and pick a different show.

  2. “dammit Steve, no one showed up. Again!”

    “Do you think it's the food? Maybe we should get kosher next time”

  3. The holocaust was never the central theme of the discussion.

    My friend and I were giving each other a very hot time jokingly, but also on an academic basis using Hitler as the context. However, I could have just as easily used another historical context, such as Rome during several periods or the expulsion of the Moors from Spain, the US during certain periods, etc. Whereas, my gfs reaction and response was centered on the historical context that was the horror of the Nazi regime and subsequently empathy for its victims, as opposed to analyzing the technical gradations of the horror and where me and my friend would fit in.

  4. You can’t do anything to not be insecure, but she’s with you because she loves you. If anything just enjoy, and make jokes about things with her. It will make you feel better. Like how she can reach things on top of the fridge.

  5. So he should apologize for living his life? Should he not have succeeded after he and his first wife split up? He helped pay her rent when she moved out. She’s 25, for heavens sake. A grown adult shouldn’t need to have their parent bail them out and, when they are unable to do so, refuse to take the bus.

  6. he can’t hold money he’s spent on you over your head. he is not obligated to pay for anything. if he wants to pay for something, then he can go right ahead, but it’s wrong of him to keep score. if you want him to chip in on rent and groceries then you have to put your foot down and outright say it. you need to have a real conversation with him about how he financially contributes. when you guys come to an agreement on who will pay what, make a calendar and write it all out (better yet have him write it so it might be easier for him to remember). if you’re going to commit to living together, you’re committing to each other financially, and you need to have clear terms as to what that means.

  7. I’d have to assume he’s the one that’s stupid if he can’t understand that you’re from the UK, and the concept of an accent.

  8. Man I swear if one of my sons did what this dirt ball is doing I would snatch him up so fast…I’m so sorry you’re going through this OP. Congratulations on your son!

  9. To be fair my problems have been far more severe than his. The main reason I ended up going to therapy for my own issues was because I couldn't keep hurting him by how unhinged my behaviour was. I have my own life, career and goals, and I'm happy and satisfied with how I've arranged my own half of our life together, I just wish that he could be happy too.

    How do I go about asking him what's holding him back?

  10. There is no hard-and-fast rule here. You have to do what you think is best for you. Internet strangers don't know you well enough to tell you with certainty.

    Start by asking yourself if you are capable of walking away and going no contact. There is no shame if you can't – everybody is different.

    Should you request your things back? You can try. But you should consider their value (sentimental and monetary) and if they are worth the drama should there be any.

    Good luck to you!

  11. My ex (narcissistic alcoholic) did this to me. When I pushed back he would say: “You’re mine. I can touch you how I want.” Or, “I can’t help it; you’re so hot/cute/whatever.”

    YOU are an autonomous human being with full agency over your own body. You are allowed to set boundaries. Next time it happens, and it will, tell him firmly: No. And remember, “No” is a complete sentence. You don’t have to explain or defend. It’s YOUR body.

    Ultimately, however, the odds are that he won’t stop. If he doesn’t care about your trauma, doesn’t care about your physical boundaries, then he doesn’t care about YOU, how you feel, or what you want and need. And that’s not a partner. That’s a jerk at best, an abusive spouse at worst.

    I hope you can find a helpful therapist who can help you work through your trauma and your marital issues. Life can get better; you have all the power to make it so.

  12. Got it. You were trying to play hard to get and now he’s moved on. Based on how you describe the very minimal interactions you’ve had with him, he didn’t like you as much as you think he did. And now you’re ego is bruised. You can keep going on and on that you aren’t jealous. That he’s not your type and all the other defense mechanisms you are throwing up in the comments. It doesn’t take away from how this reads. You sound petty, immature, and jealous af, that this guy, who didn’t even know you, had the audacity to take you at your word and move on to someone who doesn’t play stupid games.

  13. Just break up with him. Relationships at your age are usually temporary anyway. Do something amazing for yourself.

  14. To me it sounds like he's either showing off in front of your friends or has some resentment about you having friends. Is he controlling in any way? Does he get annoyed if you go out with friends without him?

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