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Divya_Divinelive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Divya_Divinelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. 'And I'm assuming you didn't flip a switch at 22 and were suddenly a well adjusted and perfectly considerate person.'

    Most people i know received basic parenting all life long and didn't need an intensive after-the-fact fix for a glaring problem like that. Basic courtesy is, well a basic. Something that kid does not have.

    'You're trying to paint this scenario as the daughter being a total complete failure of a person top to bottom. And that the father is a failure and didn't try until now.'

    Yes and yes and the mother is also responsible. If my kid acted anything like that, i sure as hell would ask myself where the heck i went wrong.

    'The reality is probably more mundane. Father probably did the best he could, and daughter will eventually figure her shit out(like most young people eventually do).'

    Maybe and i really hope so. Dont need her on r/ChoosingBeggars, r/EntitledPeople… those subs are already well populated.

    My point is, one does not get to neglect something so vital for a young persons whole life and then try to cram everything in there that should already be there, at least most of it. Sure, dad needs to run damage control now but it would have spared everyone involved so much grief if time and effort had been invested in the past. This issue isn't a small dink in the system that only requires fine-tuning, it's a glaring issue.

  2. Thanks for the positive comments, kind stranger. I'm surprised I got so many downvotes, simply for standing up for basic family values and common decency.

  3. Very true. These things are guidelines that cater to an “average” (like the half your age plus seven thing) but generally, you'll feel if it's appropriate or not by yourself.

    On someone moving out and being very independent at a very young age, that's also a bit of a weird one. There are too many situations where a young person has to become independent too soon for traumatic reasons, and they tend to be parent-related, leaving them pretty vulnerable to some creep coming in and telling them “oh, you're so mature for your age!” Which of course, what 18 year old is going to hear that and think they're anything less than the most mature and well-adjusted teen to ever live!?

    At the end of the day, like you said, it really depends on the situation. I don't think it's a bad thing though for peoples' kneejerk reaction to be to question it, but the problem always comes in where those same people are physically unable to change their minds when given more or new information.

  4. Sounds like the timing and your needs on both sides are not compatible. Either one of you quits, you accept she doesn't want to spend time with you, or you break it off.

  5. Oh boy. I have been here!

    It's a horrible spiral of your partner asking you to be more confident/in charge/do things differently… and you being more and more unable to do so because feeling like it's a performance/test gets you totally out of your head and makes it impossible to feel aroused! I don't think men always fully grasp the extent to which women already feel the scrutiny of the “male gaze” during sex (e.g. instead of just enjoying ourselves we're thinking about how sexy we look/seem to the other person the entire time) and how this kind of commentary can make that worse to the point of being debilitating.

    Honestly this was really challenging to navigate because my husband did *deserve to voice his desires and ask for them to be met*. But he was doing so in a way that came off as cold and critical and it impacted me in much the same way as you. To be honest it had long term impacts on our sex life that took a while for us to get over. I had to have a number of conversations with him (OUTSIDE the bedroom) to get him to understand how much that put me in my head, and then even after he changed his behavior/approach it took me a long time to stop feeling like I was under a microscope.

    He had to learn to ask for what he wanted in a sexy, warm way (rather than expect me to read his mind and then critique me if I didn't deliver) and not punish me when things went south. He had to learn to approach sex a little more flexibly and with more levity. When one or both of us gets in our head and we lose momentum, we have to help each other through it by being generous and focused on the goal (both people connecting sexually) rather than just getting his own desires met. And in doing that he actually gets his desires met way more often.

    My main advice is to be very honest with your partner and draw a line NOW to get you both working toward the goal — if he does things that feel cruel or hurtful (even if he doesn't mean them that way) you get to stop and wait to feel connected and aroused again, and both of you have to contribute to that.

  6. It sounds like you may be feeling insecure and projecting those insecurities onto your girlfriend's innocent behavior.

    Cuddling is a common platonic expression of affection between friends, regardless of their sexual orientation. It is unfair to assume that your girlfriend's cuddling with her friends means anything more than that. Your discomfort with her behavior is your issue, not hers, and it is not her responsibility to tiptoe around your insecurities.

    Instead of critiquing her behavior, it might be more productive to examine why you are feeling so threatened by it.

  7. You mean when he just sat quietly and let himself be bullied and never stood up for himself? You want your victim back?

  8. Omfg. He’s a pediatrician?? New fear unblocked. I mean, pediatricians are somehow childish (think about Mickey Mouse ties or unicorn headbands) but his a different kind of immature.

  9. You're very young to understand but trust me if you don't end this relationship now, she's going to mess you badly in terms of your mental health, self esteem and your approach towards a healthy relationship. Your older self a favour and end the relationship.

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