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HazyTenetlive sex stripping with Live HD


6 thoughts on “HazyTenetlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Yea I am starting to realize that and he is totally against getting another job so I don’t know what to do at this point

  2. We do get babysitters, that doesn't mean the time is quality time. We get babysitters twice a week at night + sometimes over the weekend so we can have weekends away.

  3. Loudly tell him he’s old enough to be your dad and his comments are gross. If your mom won’t get a clue and stick up for you, you stick up for you.

  4. (refer above for)


    You didn't describe a life with a partner, you described masochistic survival. Find the door, open it, leave through it and don't come back. You'll find a lot of your problems and anxieties will suddenly resolve themselves. GL? and take care of yourself OP!

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