Hello boys, our names are Polly, Adele, Alma and Michele. Get us excited, 20 y.o.
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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Hello boys, our names are Polly, Adele, Alma and Michele. Get us excited
Date: October 5, 2022
What was the nightmare?
Date her. Again. You guys are stuck in that marriage routine trying to pencil each other in for intimacy. I don’t know how old your children are, if they are young YOU arrange someone to watch them. If they are older give them pizza money and take your wife out on a date. Make it genuine and enjoyable and reconnect. You two are building kingdoms but are forgetting about each other in the same instant. Schedule one day a week to watch a movie or explore a new hobby together.
And even if he is honest, do you want to be going to high school graduations knocking on the door of your 70th birthday?
is she a hair stylist?
Sorry but your husband sounds like the type of guy that will be all arrogant and high when things go right for him bashing everybody around him. I am flabbergasted about his stupidity. Sorry.
Make him lie to his previous boss. Recently got put on new medication that makes him do terribly insane things, sell it by saying he recently got addicted to gambling or something too. Try to get pity
My wife and I dated for 10 years before we got married. If you’re with your life partner, there’s no reason to rush it. Get engaged now if you want, but please wait a little bit before you get married. You’re in the limerence stage right now. Until you’ve had a serious disagreement about something and see how that’s resolved, you truly don’t know if you’re compatible or not. What if he’s the type that turns violent when he’s upset? I’m not saying he is, just that you don’t know yet. You’re young and have an entire life ahead (hopefully with this guy. Fingers crossed for you!). Don’t rush it. It’ll happen.
You're not going to like most of what I say, but you should listen to it, because I was you, thirty some years ago.
First of all, let's break this down a little bit.
You describe your parents as “supportive, loving, and kind people,” which may be true. It isn't always easy for teenagers to be objective about their own parents.
You've asked something of your parents. You asked them to not give you “stuff.” I asked this of my mother, hundreds of times. She never listened. I too, thought my mom was “supportive, loving, and kind people,” despite her refusal to listen to my very well thought out request.
If you've asked your parents in plain language not to buy you things, and they keep buying yo things, is that really all that kind? They're being selfish, and telling you that your wants don't mean as much as their wants. And it's very confusing when you've grown up in a house like this, but the very unconscious message is that your feelings don't really matter.
And yes, my mother loved me, hugged me a lot, told me I was a good person, she wasn't abusive in the cliched sense, but she was (in a million ways not relevant here) very much not focused on listening to my needs. Which taught me that my needs weren't really important enough to be met.
And as an adult, looking for adult relationships, I didn't ever feel like my needs being met or feeling listened to was very important.
So I had a lot of very neglectful abusive relationships before I got into therapy.
So dramatic, right?
Except that this is the way some parents are narcissists, and feed their own egos before they support their children.
Maybe this isn't you, but it's something to think about. This is actually something that could go either way – you could learn to adapt and mask your real feelings, and develop the habot of saying “thank you” like a good daughter should, hide the things, and throw them away, donate, or sell them sooner.
That would be swallowing the bullshit that your feelings don't matter. Not healthy for you in the long run, but it'll make it easy today. “just forget it!”
You could start setting the boundaries that are 100% essential to be able to maintain in adult life, developing life skills that will keep you from being a victim of narcissists later on. Tell them that you love that they want to show you how much they love you, but it needs to also be on your terms. That you're not 6 any more, and you have different interests. That you would like to give them some ideas for your next gift-giving opportunity. And if it doesn't work, you can escalate by telling them that from now on, no matter how much it might (or might not) hurt their feelings, you'll be leaving their gifts with them from now on, and they can keep them or return them.
You're so wrapped up in their feelings, but…what about yours? They hurt your feelings when they refuse to take you seriously. When they refuse to listen to plain words describing what you would like from them, gift or otherwise.
And if escalating doesn't work, you can just tell them that you won't be attending any gift-giving events until they stop giving you gifts you don't like.
I know, it all sounds to overthought and extreme, right?
It's not, really. You are asking your parents for consideration, and to listen to you, and they are making the choice not to. Make this a hill to die on, because it only gets worse if you don't stop it now. If you continue to put their feelings above yours, you will find this “breakup” moment between your parents and the child they stlll think of you as much more difficult in ten years, or twenty, or thirty.
I will be getting on birth control but I will no longer be with him.
Okay, but there's no need following him in every platform forcing him to address you while your also insulting him.
He's far from perfect but you are quite far off too.
I even get the hint that the 2 of you sort of feed of each others vices. He's lack of empathy blends well with your persistent confrontational attitude.
You can walk away from the friendship if you want but i wouldn't be surprised if this issues you have with your own personality gives you problems in other friendships.