Holly the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


Holly, 24 y.o.

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Holly live! sex chat

Date: September 20, 2022

21 thoughts on “Holly the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I know you're going to hate my answer, but seeing as you're 22 now your best option is to just ignore it.

  2. Support for someone who lied to him to achieve sex and is actively pressuring him to not say anything about her shitty behavior.

    Also, although I don't think he should hunt down the boyfriend, that guy doesn't deserve to be in a non consensual sexual relationship either, and he can't consent if he is being lied to.

    He has stated he feels used and upset that she used him for sex explicitly against his wishes. It is normal and okay for him to be upset about that and seek support from his friends over it, that is the point of having supportive friendships.

    Re: “don't tell anyone I forced you into sex because if you do I'll say it's rape,” that is blackmail. Silence only helps bad people continue to be bad people. Having receipts, even if he does not need to use them, would be a good thing when dealing with a known liar.

  3. I can’t afford therapy. Would love to see one. Work gave me 3 sessions for free but I doubt that would help.

  4. Instead of beating yourself up, why not work on improving yourself?

    You're going through some shit and that's normal. Everyone is going to have some shit moments. That does not mean that your partner is going to think less of you. Just means you'll need to spend some energy working on yourself for a bit.

    Let him know that you're dealing with school stuff and broadening your friend circle so you might be a little out of it for a while.

    Breaking up with your partner won't change the way you feel.

  5. I’m glad your gf is successful in her career. That doesn’t mean you didn’t ruin her life trying to trick her out of her sexuality. Many queer people, women especially, don’t have a clear picture of their own sexuality due to later in life because of the pressure to fit into social norms, and the fact that men can manipulate lesbians into thinking their own sexuality can be a performative thing for a man. That level of control is why you sought out a teenager who was malleable enough for you to dictate her sexual preferences. Now that she’s over 25 the decision making center of her brain is fully developed, and she is starting to realize you’ve stolen a decade of her life.

    YTA and a predator and your gf prefers girls. Seek therapy for your control issues

  6. u/25anHour20Hours, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. u/Simple_Albatross_722, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. Ask her if your feelings are accurate, and if it's mutual, then ask if she's allowed to 'see' guests. Seriously, redditfolk are going to know less than the object of your interest. Just be honest, and don't chase her if it could lead to her dismissal. Better to have the fantasy than the folly.

  9. I'd strongly recommend you read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

    Really helpful insights in how you give and receive love.

  10. How am i playing games when i told him i dont like him? Well, its my choice to not be in a relationship or date anyone because it really distracts me from my studies. Do u mean i should tell him that i do kinda like him but dont want a relationship and should go out on dates? Dude, i have never been on dates. They would be REALLY distractive.

  11. Yea I definitely needed to head that I might end things if he can’t get it together like I have no problem just texting it doesn’t bother me I just wanted to ft once to make sure he was who he claimed to be yk

  12. No. There is nothing to save. What is the purpose of therapy here (and I'm usually a huge advocate for therapy).

    He had an affair.

    He had sex with his step sister.

    He had sex with his step sister in YOUR house.

    He had sex with his step sister in your house and he didn't kick her out.

    He had sex with his step sister in your house and he didn't kick her out. He allowed her to stay in your house, sleep in your bed and he continued sleeping with her for days.

    This is the end of the relationship. Its not just the sex. It is the total and complete disrespect for you on every single level and the lack of remorse.

  13. Also something to consider; reach out to all of his coworkers that you are on good terms with and ask if he had been doing alright at work. This is weird to come out all at once. Maybe this isn't the first incident, just the largest

  14. sorry!! I should clarify: I’m not upset at all he has dating apps, it’s more of a concern for STD/STI’s, if he is seeing other people

  15. You’re missing the point. You don’t have to love everything your partner does, but if you ever call them “super fucking annoying” that is such a big red flag. If I heard my partner ever say that about me, regardless of situation, I would reevaluate the entire relationship.

  16. No, that’s not normal now. That’s a level of insecurity that’s a huge red flag. Using the word “beta” is also a huge red flag. Guys like that are liable to have very sexist beliefs and as your relationship gets more serious I wouldn’t be surprised if those start coming out.

    Run away, that’s my advice.

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