Isa on-line sex chats for YOU!


15 thoughts on “Isa on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah but unfortunately if he says yes and you say no, they're not going to referee a dispute like that. Not sure how close you live! to a larger area but you might be able to check Uber to see if it operates in your area and what the rates may be.

  2. That's not true. She would have still cheated and she would find another reason to blame you for it. I'm sorry. You deserved better than that. Commitments don't make people cheat. Not caring about your partner and wanting to hop on another dick because you're a bad person makes you cheat.

  3. DO NOT GO TO HER HOUSE TO TALK TO HER. She was VERY CLEAR that she didn't want to talk. If you go to her house, you're forcing her to talk to you by going to the one place in the world that should be safe for her. That's a power play, and if you do this, I'd advise her to break up with you immediately and call the cops.

    Seriously. An ex, when we were still dating, we had some sort of argument and he declared he'd visit the next morning even after I said no. I was scared he'd come by and do something stupid like off himself in my driveway, so I had my dad come home from work. Ex didn't come by, but I spent the whole morning angry and scared at the idea of such a breach of trust and no care for how I felt.

    Again, do not force her to speak to you, and do not exert power over her by going to her house to force the issue.

    Now that that's out of the way. My opinion on “taking a break” is: there's no such thing as a break. “Oh I don't want to break up but I also don't want to fulfill my responsibilities as your significant other.” That's a power play too, whether she intends it to be or not.

    You two need to just break up. It sounds like you're both a poor match for each other, and immature.

  4. Everything u said! Like no man it's such a sexual thing. No one has ever given anyone a hickey as a joke!! Tf is that funny?!

    U have to physically bite and suck on the other person's neck and the restraining has me over the edge. If my husband did this to my kid I'd loseeeee my shit! Id probably hit him with something to get him off my child and yell and then kick his ass out.

    This is heavily fucking creepy.

  5. You say that's not the point. This is going to be sitting down and plainly telling him what you want to change.

  6. Finances is one of the leading causes of divorce. I couldn’t be married without totally combining finances and working together. Highly highly likely you sharing your statements with him will end in disaster if the two of you do not work on getting on the same page as far as financial priorities and goals. Otherwise you’re just giving him ammo is use to argue.

  7. He requested separate finances. Insisted on it. Even though he’s the one with poor spending habits. Absolutely not.

  8. when have i complained about the cost?

    Do you think you constantly mentioning the price tag associated with this event is subtle? Actually nevermind, you probably do think that's subtle. Let me help you out, it isn't. Every time you say something to the effect of “I'm already spending $90k on this stupid bullshit that I don't care about” it is immediately obvious to literally everyone that you are complaining about the cost, along with everything else.

  9. Have you ever had a try at physical activities?

    My son has ADHD and at times only BMX biking or other sports could get him down a bit.

    Your problem right now is, that compassion has brought you zo.become his nurse, his maid and his mom.

    So you lost your initial role of a supportive girlfriend.

    You gave him your hand. And he has taken your arm.

    You need to find out how to make chores more doable for him. As no way you can do both your parts and him doing nothing.

    Tell him where you are at and that he can't just stay to leech on you. That won't do.

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