Yup. Whereas her being in a relationship, even an open one, will only increase her appeal. Subconsciously she is going to project confidence, which is generally attractive. And for folks looking for a hook up, takes off any relationship pressure. And, the slightly taboo aspect. Whereas, fair or not, he's likely to be perceived as a grass is greener sort.
You were secretly texting her vulnerable cousin and meeting up with her behind your fiancée's back because she wasn't getting enough attention from your fiancée? That sounds like grooming behavior.
Your fiancée was right to kick you out. These aren't children and they aren't your family. Secretly contacting one of them was creepy and exploitative. If you thought your fiancée was being unfair, you should have spoken to her directly not gone behind her back.
This was another thought I had. We’ve had two checks in with each other and nothing has come ip in the mental health department besides her recent negative fixations on her body. She’s unsure of why that’s been happening as well.
A worry is that a big factor is due to our sex life taking a long dive from my medical issue, and hasn’t bounced back to where is was quickly because of this
My biggest take from this is that she's more concerned about her social media following. I mean, why the hell did she cry and hang up on you? She was pissed because she wouldn't be able to publicize the event. I mean, I don't know her and maybe she does care about you, but her behavior says her SM is a higher priority. I'm not saying you have to split up but it's worth considering just where you stand with her. Are you important for you? Or are you just a prop for her live! life?
Also, one year is hardly that much time wasted. You're both very young.
My point was..that i didn't just toss her
Yup. Whereas her being in a relationship, even an open one, will only increase her appeal. Subconsciously she is going to project confidence, which is generally attractive. And for folks looking for a hook up, takes off any relationship pressure. And, the slightly taboo aspect. Whereas, fair or not, he's likely to be perceived as a grass is greener sort.
You were secretly texting her vulnerable cousin and meeting up with her behind your fiancée's back because she wasn't getting enough attention from your fiancée? That sounds like grooming behavior.
Your fiancée was right to kick you out. These aren't children and they aren't your family. Secretly contacting one of them was creepy and exploitative. If you thought your fiancée was being unfair, you should have spoken to her directly not gone behind her back.
This was another thought I had. We’ve had two checks in with each other and nothing has come ip in the mental health department besides her recent negative fixations on her body. She’s unsure of why that’s been happening as well.
A worry is that a big factor is due to our sex life taking a long dive from my medical issue, and hasn’t bounced back to where is was quickly because of this
Did she even offer to come take care of you? You don’t have to go out for anniversary. Sounds like she handled it almost as poorly as she could.
My biggest take from this is that she's more concerned about her social media following. I mean, why the hell did she cry and hang up on you? She was pissed because she wouldn't be able to publicize the event. I mean, I don't know her and maybe she does care about you, but her behavior says her SM is a higher priority. I'm not saying you have to split up but it's worth considering just where you stand with her. Are you important for you? Or are you just a prop for her live! life?
Also, one year is hardly that much time wasted. You're both very young.
Has he ever snapped destructively before? If not, it might be worth checking out his mental or physical health.