Jane the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Jane, 24 y.o.


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Jane online sex chat

Date: September 25, 2022

12 thoughts on “Jane the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Why did you get married in the first place? Sounds luke you were 1) not compatible in bed and 2) not ready to settle down yet (not surprising as you were only 23 which is too young for most people anyway.

  2. I'm so sorry honey, I had similar happen to me when I was 19. I froze and couldn't say or do anything. I didn't tell my other friend who had been asleep on the other side of me until years later. It was awful. It is sexual assault. And it should be taken seriously.

    The guy didn't just want to hug you, if that was true he could have waited and asked for a hug when you were awake the next day. He felt you up in your sleep and masturbated beside you on purpose. It wasn't an accident or a misunderstanding. He knew what he was doing and he knows that it's wrong. His apology means less than nothing. He violated you.

    Feeling sick and feeling guilty are natural responses to sexual assault, but please know that the guilt should be all his, you did nothing wrong.

    Moving forward you should 100% cut ties with him and be honest with everyone you know about why “he sexually assaulted me when he thought I was sleeping and masturbated next to me”. He's a predator and he shouldn't be shielded by your silence.

  3. Yep. End it. He didn't forget when you told him that day. He just didn't care enough to put in the effort.

  4. I don't think she has feelings exactly. I think she's feeling super hurt that this guy told her he didn't want to get married and now he's getting married. I bet that's making her feel super shitty like “why wasn't I good enough to marry?” or “Does this mean I can't trust anyone to really tell me their intentions?”

    It's super unlikely she wants to get back with him or any of that. It's just super painful to watch someone doing something you wanted to do with them, with someone else. Especially if one of the keys to accepting that they wouldn't do it with you was that they didn't want to do it at all.

  5. I don't want her back I just feel bad for threatening and kind of blackmailing her, I never did this to anyone so I was not feeling right when I got in my senses.

  6. You reconsidering this relationship versus years of this?

    It doesn’t look like he thinks it’s a problem and he won’t change because of it. He’s not even consistent.

    Unless you both plan to hire cleaning help? Outsource the effort.

  7. would u say this relationship is toxic enough to where i should leave? i’ve brought it up that i don’t feel happy in the relationship and he would just say that we should work on it and that he still loves me. i don’t know how to leave because he’s all i have. recently i asked to breakup and he would just rebut everything i say. i feel like i don’t have a reasoning to break up and it feels like it can still work out. just we don’t know how.

  8. Literally, choosing not to binge drink every weekend when you are older isn't 'boring'…it's just learning the fact that getting absolutely sloshed isn't all it's cracked up to be. Being drunk beyond all control and comprehension is really overrated.

    Give me a pleasant buzz and a fun conversation over a wild party any day.

  9. Um, time to be adults and MOVE OUT. Holy cow, you guys are way too old to live with mommy. Then you can do what you want! (It’s a fantastic benefit to growing up.)

  10. she chose to harm you

    ⬆ This! I cannot emphasize this enough. She went out of her way to turn people IRL against you, told lies to your family, did the best (worst!) she could to make damage.

    For your own mental health, ignore and block her. If she shows up again at your family's business, call the police.

  11. This.

    She gives you access to her phone and then leaves evidence on it that she’s been lying? Even high school kids know better than that.

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