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7 thoughts on “Jennadiaz live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I asked him if it was an insecurity and he told me part of it is that and part of it is he doesn't want to worry about me getting hit on or hurt somehow, even though he tells me he trusts me it's that he doesn't want the men to “get something out of” seeing me. He said it disgusts him to think about it. He said this is the most important thing to him after not lying or cheating and, out of the blue said “I would rather end up with someone less pretty and less kind than you, then with you if you want to wear tight clothes”. He doesn't like leggings either

  2. No one is bashing women. He is simply stating HIS opinion on how he thinks the courts MAY view it. He's not wrong. They may view it that way. The court of law is a lot different than the court of opinion found here on reddit

  3. Autism isn’t an excuse. You can still set boundaries and he can and should still respect them. Coming from someone on the spectrum:)

  4. No one in here is addressing the giant issue at the route of all of this. You say your wife cares about what people think, but really she cares about what she THINKS people will think. Something about your son, in her eyes, makes him so inferior to everyone else in the neighborhood that she has to hide any connection. Have your neighbors stated directly that they hate anyone from another country or who might have been born prior to meeting your wife?? No? That means YOUR WIFE thinks these things, not the neighbors. Whether it's a disgusting opinion on foreigners, having kids out of wedlock, etc. Your wife is bothered by the fact that her idea of “perfect” no longer exists because of whatever she thinks about your son. Do you really think your neighbors would shun you if they found out you had a kid from a different relationship in a different country? Clearly not, since you told them and they didn't react that way.

    It's not the community who has this opinion, it's YOUR WIFE. I'm very confident this isn't the first sign of disgusting behavior. The question is are you going to continue to ignore it now that she's going at your son? Spoiler alert – people with that level of a superiority complex don't change.

  5. I’m not sure where you are getting this. I have no problem taking accountability. I would stand in front of her parents and come clean to my mistakes. I fucked up but I have no problem owning up to it.

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