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june, 99 y.o.

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Date: September 24, 2022

12 thoughts on “june the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She chose the place to see if you could afford it. The moment you suggested splitting the bill was the moment she decided you're not her thing.

  2. I’m saga age, so don’t put up with the drama like I did when I was younger. It happens when you get older.

  3. Thanks for the context. I asked for that, because my personal opinion is that I wouldn't overthink texting as long as effort is being made to see each other and then subsequently all is good when you're actually together.

    Seems to be the case here. You've seen each other nine times over a month. That's A LOT. Even if you took out the house hangouts, I'd be here telling you that going on five dates over this period is a good sign.

    In saying that, you shouldn't overthink it. He clearly is into you or he wouldn't be seeing you, especially this much. Some people just aren't phone people. If it's important to you, that's fair enough. You can talk about it and also decide if it's a deal breaker for you. We can't decide that.

    But for now, I'm only seeing positives. You then separately bring up labels. That's unrelated to your initial concern here. You were here worried he's not invested in you, but with this statement, you're worried about investing in him. It's unrelated.

    At the end of the day, you should assess if you're compatible and never settle for anything less than what you want. If he's not it, then he's not it. Don't force it. If he is, then go for it.

  4. Swear to god there should be just be some sort of bot on here that files divorce papers if you ask a question about your marriage to someone 10+ years older than you.

  5. MSM isn't the problem. Your inability to check accredited sources and suss out factual information IS the issue.

  6. That’s what’s confusing to me. When I call him out for it and ask if he genuinely wants to break up and ask why he’s mentioning it he says it’s just a joke and asks why I take everything so seriously. When I don’t pay it any mind he’ll ask me why I don’t love him anymore so maybe he’s just saying it to get a reaction out of me. Besides this he’s kind and we get along good but it’s just this little thing that annoys me and makes me hold back in the relationship

  7. I’m gonna be talking to a lawyer or something

    A lawyer?? Maybe. First of all – You need to tell family you can trust. You need to STAY with family you can trust. You're dating a STALKER. This guy is toxicly, dangerously obsessed with you, and this is BAD. This is a VERY dangerous situation for you. You need to talk to family and explain everything ROGHT AWAY. DONT FOR ONE SECOND think you can handle this all by yourself, alone. Explain the situation, let people know what has happened. If you go missing, this is VERY important information for family and friends to know so they can help you. Second, come up with a plan with your family on how to contact authorities or how to stay safe in case of retaliation. Technically, he hasn't broken the law yet (unless he has videos/pictures of you not in public space, minor, etc). The authorities will only help you if he's trespassing or breaking some law. But dudes like this are fuckin crazy and will retaliate. You barely started dating so, break it off and with family present. NEVER EVER BE ALONE WITH HIM AGAIN. NEVER. This is NOT normal. This is dangerous and you need to see that, you need to understand that, and come up with a plan to keep you safe! You're dating a fucking psycho stalker. So far, he's won the girl he's obsessed with. What will he do when he loses her? Like for real – movie type shit but id you're bieng honest – I would be scared too.

    Lie about something family related and its important for you. Make something up. Tell your parents/family its an emergency and you are in danger and need to talk. And once you are with family ask them if you can stay with them for a while until you feel safe. Honestly, you need people present in your life, more eyes to watch around you incase psycho bf decides to show up.

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