Karinakreampi online sex cams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “Karinakreampi online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I don’t think it’s an issue of misrepresentative photos. It’s just that sometimes seeing someone in motion sheds a different light on their appearance versus a still photo. Dating apps are useless for me for exactly this reason, I can never tell if I’m at all attracted to someone until I feel their vibe in person. I honestly have no idea how other people manage it using just pictures.

  2. … yeah doing coke and dating a drug dealer. Totally normal. You must live in a horrible neighborhood to think that's anywhere near normal behavior

  3. Hey man I saw that you said you’re in Texas, if you’re in the Houston area I can help with the cats for a few hours if you need to get an exterminator

  4. I don't understand any circumstances where someone would be really into you, go fuck someone else, and then come back and be all over you.

    and she basically lied to you and lied to your friend by not telling you until you were hooked.

    I'm pretty sure she didn't tell your friend, “Don't tell him BECAUSE I'M GOING TO TELL HIM 6 MONTHS FROM NOW,” so she obviously planned how this played out.

    I think your initial decision to end things was the right one, but if you decide to stay with her you need to get over this.

  5. “comments… albeit innocent..” How can they be innocent if they're affecting you to the point of giving yourself some sort of eating disorder?? Also if they're on his fyp, it's because that's what the type of content he looks at. Whether he comments or likes doesn't matter. You don't need this kind of personal stress in addition to starting med school. You'll have plenty of stress that has nothing to do with someone else's preference for Your body!

    I know you will probably hate hearing this but, you're young, just chalk it up to experience and move on.

    The old ” it's not you, it's me” is a classic and fits multiple situations. Good luck OP.

  6. I can tell you from my personal experience in the navy, your best option is to go your separate ways. I have seen so many dysfunctional relationships in the navy because people just had to stay with their high school sweetheart. It sounds like you really want to go to Guam. You will eventually grow to resent missing out on that opportunity if you don’t do it. 4 years is a long time to be in a long distance relationship while so young. Obviously it’s not a hot and fast rule and I cannot say it’s absolutely going to be the case with you, but I have seen so many navy spouses cheating and being cheated on. You are both so young and you both have a lot to experiences to be had. Go to Guam, experience life and don’t look back. There will be other partners for both of you

  7. I gave many years to a bad relationship, so I understand 100% the feelings you have currently. The “wasted time” should be considered more as a learning experience.

    Sit down with him face to face and lay out that he needs to work on his addictions, and that you can't accept him sleeping around, so it's over. He can't have his cake and eat it too. He wants to go have fun/be self destructive? He can, just not with you as his “backup plan”. You're a human being, not an insurance policy. Good luck

  8. I think you need to leave her do you really want this shit in you’re life forever if you marry her? If she fucked these guys years ago and is still very actively friends with them. Then I think by not telling you shows what she values most her friends. I’m sorry this is nasty I hope you do ok from it

  9. I just wanted to add one more thing for you to consider. Your children will also be growing up in this culture that your fiancé is perpetuating. Do you want your future daughters to be dealing with the same restrictions and frustrations that you are? They will look to you as a role model and they will accept the standards you set for yourself. Not to mention the long-term impacts that even a passively misogynistic father can have on a daughter.

    Keep that in mind when choosing your husband and the father of your children.

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