Kataleya-Cooper on-line sex chats for YOU!


Kataleya-Cupper Public Chat Channel

Date: October 3, 2022

12 thoughts on “Kataleya-Cooper on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Saying that is morally right because they’re attracted to each other hahahah oh man, wait till the pedophiles hear that liner! I guess we have to get rid of all laws about age limits because I guess if they’re attarcted to wach other than it’s OK! Hahaha that is literally the argument for why child marriage laws with parent permission are still in play. What a fucking creepy thing to say hahah.

    The internet is flooded with women’s stories about how when they were this girl’s age, that they too were manipulated and controlled by old creeps who they thought loved them. They pray on young impressionable teenagers, and take advantage of them. No, those creeps didn’t love them, they wanted someone to control, because they don’t see women as people.

    I mean OP he has already confessed he only sees women as breeding machines, that a woman’s purpose is have children. That it’s different if she’s a mom at her age but that he would never of been a young father. Wow so shocked that he turned out to be a raging misogynist who wants to knock this poor girl up, make her “pause” school, and make her financially dependent on him. Wow I could not have seen it coming ?.

  2. “I am very attracted to you and I want to be clear about my intentions with you because I don’t want you to think I’m not interested. I very much am – I am also looking for something serious. I am not looking for casual sex. I want to be fully committed to someone before sleeping with them, whether that ends up being engagement or marriage or a serious committed relationship, I’m not sure, but I want to be clear that I don’t take sex lightly and I want to make sure that my partner doesn’t either.”

  3. That's not the case. I assure you. Not only against me, in doctor visit she cried when explaining her sore throat. Not once. She probably has ADHD (she diagnosed herself) and I am looking to understand what is going on.

  4. tell you what, if you are 100% honest with her and she finds a way to make you feel awkward, STA. lol.

  5. Right so I was concerned that he'd want his cake and eat it- He told me he was starting to get frustrated with her anyway because she's showing very little respect for his boundaries etc etc so I basically said: I don't want you both alone, ever, she can't stay over and if I ask to see messages, I see them- otherwise no, I won't get with you. It would be too difficult and uncomfortable for me

    He spoke to her and they agreed to not have any contact for a month to see if she could get used to the fact that they are 'just friends' and 'always have been'

    They both successfully managed the month and then he was hit with a hug paragraph at the end about how she can't stand him with me in the picture and how dare he shove me into his life etc etc 'I loved you and I'm sure you loved me too once. Goodbye forever'

    He read it with me, cried for about a minute and then blocked her everywhere

  6. I will never understand women who want to stay in horrible relationships with men who treat them like shit.

    In a lot of cases, the abusive men only start the abuse later in the relationship and the women have to stay if they can't afford to leave, this is understood. But in a lot of cases I see that the women continue to be madly in love with these men and want to stay with them regardless. What the hell?

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