Kuromi-doll live webcams for YOU!


Play with dildo in doggy style

Date: October 11, 2022

18 thoughts on “Kuromi-doll live webcams for YOU!

  1. His excuse is bs. How did he not know everyone was bringing their partners until it was too late to invite you? This seems super sketchy, ngl

  2. Ill give you a few possibilities;

    He is lying (most likely). He followed her for a bit of thirst on his newsfeed. He did follow her years ago, she temporarily deactivated her account and now uses it again, hence, reactivating it and it appearing in his following- you can check this by seeing if there is a gap in her post history. It was a scam page offering freebies originally. I have often followed a “mem” page and two weeks later it is some fetish/NSFW page advertising OF pages etc.

    Ill be honest, giving his history, he added her for a look at her suggestive pictures and potentially for a bit of “me” time. If you look through this sub long enough, you will see this happens quite often. Like you said, you do not forget who you add, even with 100 followers.

    As for the suggested following, it is weird. I get friend suggestions for friends of the people I talk to most and then there are some seriously random ones from people half way across the globe and no mutuals.

  3. Nope worst time to get caught up in all of that. He needs to be there for his kid and figure out his mess not start a new relationship. I would take myself out of the equation.

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  5. First, couples therapy is all well and good, but you need to be seeing an individual therapist. Having your husband AND your parents think you were a cheater is awful and traumatic. Couples therapy isn’t going to really address that. And for it to happen while you’re pregnant is just more trauma on top as your being slammed with all these different hormones. Second, I understand you wanting your child to grow up with two parents together as your own step dad didn’t love you as much as his bio kids, but an unhappy home with two parents isn’t better than a happy home with one parent.

    Your husband took the word of the person who he (claims to have) turned down for sex about you cheating. Either he is an absolutely bloody idiot and didn’t think she might be lying to fuck your life up, or he just wanted an excuse to fuck around without it technically being cheating. And I’d bet money that Ali is amongst those people he slept with. I don’t know how you can even look at him after his actions.

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

  6. hi, 32F here. my advice: slow down… a couple dates with someone is wayyy too soon to suddenly decide you’re going to “throw all your chips in” or “wife them up”. you don’t need to do that yet. you should not see every woman you’re attracted to as your potential wife or girlfriend! i used to have that mindset when I was in my early 20s, and I can tell you it caused a LOT of problems. it sounds like you need to figure out the difference between attraction and compatibility.

    right now, you need to focus on learning. you have to give yourself a chance to date casually for a while, so you can learn how adult relationships work, and learn about yourself as well as what you really want and need in a partner. practice vulnerability. practice getting to know someone and their unique perspective. practice living in the moment. practice communication above all else! try to date lots of different people, have fun, and make lots of mistakes — that’s the best way to learn.

  7. Never have your sister babysit your daughter again. She’s drugging her. You can’t change how your family feels, but you can keep your child safe.

  8. Others have already covered the abusive angle here but I really wonder if she thinks that people only being attracted to their spouse is normal? Like is this a weird religious thing or what?

  9. I know how it sounded. Not good. I sound like a massive bitch in that. We both have flaws, switch positions and he could say shitty stuff about me. That wasn't fair of me. Im sorry. He has sang to me, taken care of me while sick, let me do his hair, made all the stupid videos with him. If i didn't love and care about him, I would have left him way sooner. I probably should've reread that post before posting it.

  10. He's 36. If he starts dating someone 36, they take 2 years to get engaged, 1 year to plan the wedding, she's 39, they get pregnant, she's pushing 40 during the pregnancy. Now if he wanted 2 or 3 kids he's going to suddenly realize that's likely not going to happen. He'd be lucky to get one child.

    That's just the biology of the situation, nothing personal.

  11. It wasn't for a few hours he met my son on the 2nd day of me knowing him, and how am I disgusting for wanting my son to have a father figure in his life? Mark seemed like a good person so I thought he'd be the perfect Father for my kid. And yes I do protect my Kid. I asked for advice on what I should do now not for you to rant him me having him meet my son even tho I had good intentions behind it.

  12. Me and my gf really trust each other and she is being genuine here I’m sure. She just wants to help her best friend out however she can

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