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LUCI_LOVElive sex stripping with hd cam


15 thoughts on “LUCI_LOVElive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I was literally going to say this. The power tactic is so important. My brothers have tried similar power moves on all of my partners and only one of them has ever showed me, by not backing down, that my brothers were totally absolutely in the wrong. This is a man v man power move if I've ever heard one.

  2. Hello /u/GC_Licensee,

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  3. I seriously question his judgment … for even SAYING such a thing.

    It's like the question, “If you could sleep with anyone without any consequences, who would it be?”

    Wrong Answer: Your Brother / Sister

    Right Answer: Chris Helmsworth / Scarlett Johanson

  4. if there's anything I've learned from reddit, it's that this is a thing and it's called a posh wank on the non-USA side of the pond

  5. LOL. Sorry dude this is so over. She wants to break up for the month you are out of town so she can hook up with others. Then tell you it's your fault for the break up. If none of her affairs work out she will forgive you and take you back. The only thing you need to change is your so called gf

  6. You’re right, he needs to outright say that this is an ultimatum, dealbreaker, red line, etc. you can have those in relationships.

    She hasn’t respected this boundary in the past, why would she now? He needs to be very clear this is endangering their marriage.

    I’ve been extremely clear with her each time that I cannot accept being married to a stripper

  7. There is a big age gap, but more than that because if you were to be 38 and her 31 it would not be so bad. Both adults that have been out int o the world and more experienced. The best thing is that she’s barely starting to adult and you clearly have being for some time now. You yourself feel out of place because she’s a college student in her partying stage and you have a full blown kid. Way two different stages in life. To be realistic, it won’t last. You will want her to mellow out and take you seriously and she wants to be with friends and have fun and party, but that won’t work for you because you have a kid and responsibilities as not only a grown adult but of a father.

  8. Every relationship ends in heartbreak or death. Yes, if you zoom out long enough the survival rate of everyone drops to zero. That doesn’t mean every relationship doesn’t have meaning

  9. Your GF is acting irrationally.

    You're not married, not engaged, and have only been going out a few months.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was a ploy to break up with you.

  10. You can end a relationship for any reason or none at all.

    I’m hot pressed to understand what complication of diabetes would be so debilitating that she can’t work and needs special care if she’s following doctor’s orders. ?‍♀️

  11. Or when she introduces you, wink at him and shake your head, and silently mouth the word “no”.

    /s ???/s

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