If that was the case, he wouldn't have been so hateful about how your gift just created work for him. He wouldn't have gone on and on about how foolish you were for spending your own money on a gift FOR HIM!
I do not think you are at fault here. I think you should stop saying this was a joint miscommunication, because that is not at all what your post indicates.
He intentionally spoiled your pleasure at giving him your thoughtful gifts. He was a totally unpleasant jerk, griping and criticizing and moaning about it, picking it apart and telling you what a stupid cow you were for wasting your money.
I would have told him I was sorry I used my money and time trying to please him and failing so miserably. Then I would have taken the gifts back to the store and got a refund. And I would be very sure to never buy him another present.
Stop trying to spin this like you were partially at fault. Stop thinking his nastiness was excusable. You are setting yourself up for a repeat performance.
Disclaimer, this is not good advice or any advice that you really should take as you shouldn’t take things that aren’t prescribed to you, but the thought popped into my head. If you could get some, you could take one when you’re at home, or with one of your close girl friends that you trust, and see what happens. That’s really the only way to know imo.
Breaks do not work. The only reason for a break is if one person has some serious issues to deal with. Think; alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health issues, or a need to work on themselves in some way.
Taking a break as a couple because of issues in the relationship does not work. These need to be worked out as a couple through communication and counselling.
Notice these issues come up after a vacation. I'm willing to bet yhat her frieare single or cheating. Whether she is, is irrelevant. See looks at that and thinks, “I'd like some of that freedom”. So, while it's not cheating, she is thinking about it. She is essentially asking for 2 months so that she can go and be with whoever she wants, with no guilt. I guarantee that if you put in a stipulation that you both had to remain loyal for the 2 months, she wouldn't go for it.
The choice is yours. Personally, I would go on a break. I would break up. That way, you can both do whatever you want, without any concern for the other. What I wouldn't do is then take her back.
Sounds good to me!
I don't think it was a misunderstanding.
If that was the case, he wouldn't have been so hateful about how your gift just created work for him. He wouldn't have gone on and on about how foolish you were for spending your own money on a gift FOR HIM!
I do not think you are at fault here. I think you should stop saying this was a joint miscommunication, because that is not at all what your post indicates.
He intentionally spoiled your pleasure at giving him your thoughtful gifts. He was a totally unpleasant jerk, griping and criticizing and moaning about it, picking it apart and telling you what a stupid cow you were for wasting your money.
I would have told him I was sorry I used my money and time trying to please him and failing so miserably. Then I would have taken the gifts back to the store and got a refund. And I would be very sure to never buy him another present.
Stop trying to spin this like you were partially at fault. Stop thinking his nastiness was excusable. You are setting yourself up for a repeat performance.
The risk of him going to jail for 15 years is zero lol
Disclaimer, this is not good advice or any advice that you really should take as you shouldn’t take things that aren’t prescribed to you, but the thought popped into my head. If you could get some, you could take one when you’re at home, or with one of your close girl friends that you trust, and see what happens. That’s really the only way to know imo.
Breaks do not work. The only reason for a break is if one person has some serious issues to deal with. Think; alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health issues, or a need to work on themselves in some way.
Taking a break as a couple because of issues in the relationship does not work. These need to be worked out as a couple through communication and counselling.
Notice these issues come up after a vacation. I'm willing to bet yhat her frieare single or cheating. Whether she is, is irrelevant. See looks at that and thinks, “I'd like some of that freedom”. So, while it's not cheating, she is thinking about it. She is essentially asking for 2 months so that she can go and be with whoever she wants, with no guilt. I guarantee that if you put in a stipulation that you both had to remain loyal for the 2 months, she wouldn't go for it.
The choice is yours. Personally, I would go on a break. I would break up. That way, you can both do whatever you want, without any concern for the other. What I wouldn't do is then take her back.
Good luck
You sound like you have your life together.
In a couple months you’ll be surprised at the life you on-line when you don’t have the dead weight tying you down.