Put a repayment plan in place. Be as generous as you are comfortable with. You can start off with say 100 a month for the fist year and then increase next year. That way, you start getting something and it will give her time to get used to it. You deserve to get paid back.
Because you hit the breaks? Like why is it you feel inferior? And if your not feeling secure than I feel like it’s his job to help promote you. Just a helping hand to make you feel comfortable
What a thing to react to. She is attracted to your bf, big deal. I go to the gym and get female attention every now and then, when I bring my significant other, I get triple the attention. It’s the way the game goes. Blow a kiss back at her next time
I never said you coerced her into having the kids. But I can see her deciding that she doesn't want you anywhere near her -always uncomfortable- private parts.
I guess when they tell you about the joys of a big family they forget the little detail that having children can do a lot of damage to a woman's body, but that most of it is something private, that's not discussed, because what mother would say she regrets having her precious baby because now she has hemorrhoids. She deals with them and life goes on.
I've always rolled my eyes at claims that Reddit always blames the man in any relationship conflict (I'm a woman), but the tenor of the responses you've been getting here has me deeply uncomfortable. It's true that these posts only ever give one side of the story, but at least in your comments, you sound like a kind and thoughtful person and have taken the pillorying you've received here with unbelievable grace.
I don't know your wife and don't want to project or overstep, but a few of your comments raised alarms for me as someone raised by a mother with undiagnosed, untreated mental illness and a father who by any metric was a battered spouse, but never recognized as such. One of your comments mentioned recurring episodes of intense anger and rage, which concerns me, and your sentiment here of “I don't know, but something feels wrong” echoes something I felt often, and painfully, growing up.
I want to be careful not to go too far here, because your dynamic sounds different fron my parents' in meaningful ways, and again, I don't want to project. But something about your post and the responses gave me this horrifying feeling that if my dad had ever tried to post live! about some small part of what was happening in our home, he'd have been torn to shreds as The Asshole by default, because no one would believe a mother could act the way mine did unless he'd done something to cause it.
Or maybe that's not what's happening here at all, but I guess the possibility seemed vivid enough I wanted to say something, just in case.
I'm not great at responding to messages in a timely way, but if you want to talk about it, feel free to reach out and I'll do my best.
If the people around you who you want to introduce your boyfriend of **two years** to will react badly to him because he's a burns victim, you're surrounded by the wrong people. I feel terrible for the poor guy – does he know the reason you've been hiding him?
Put a repayment plan in place. Be as generous as you are comfortable with. You can start off with say 100 a month for the fist year and then increase next year. That way, you start getting something and it will give her time to get used to it. You deserve to get paid back.
Because you hit the breaks? Like why is it you feel inferior? And if your not feeling secure than I feel like it’s his job to help promote you. Just a helping hand to make you feel comfortable
What a thing to react to. She is attracted to your bf, big deal. I go to the gym and get female attention every now and then, when I bring my significant other, I get triple the attention. It’s the way the game goes. Blow a kiss back at her next time
I never said you coerced her into having the kids. But I can see her deciding that she doesn't want you anywhere near her -always uncomfortable- private parts.
I guess when they tell you about the joys of a big family they forget the little detail that having children can do a lot of damage to a woman's body, but that most of it is something private, that's not discussed, because what mother would say she regrets having her precious baby because now she has hemorrhoids. She deals with them and life goes on.
Is there a way that you can help his process with the courts? Or go to see him on your own accord?
Exactly this. I really don’t know why he saves it. I really don’t know how to process this…
I've always rolled my eyes at claims that Reddit always blames the man in any relationship conflict (I'm a woman), but the tenor of the responses you've been getting here has me deeply uncomfortable. It's true that these posts only ever give one side of the story, but at least in your comments, you sound like a kind and thoughtful person and have taken the pillorying you've received here with unbelievable grace.
I don't know your wife and don't want to project or overstep, but a few of your comments raised alarms for me as someone raised by a mother with undiagnosed, untreated mental illness and a father who by any metric was a battered spouse, but never recognized as such. One of your comments mentioned recurring episodes of intense anger and rage, which concerns me, and your sentiment here of “I don't know, but something feels wrong” echoes something I felt often, and painfully, growing up.
I want to be careful not to go too far here, because your dynamic sounds different fron my parents' in meaningful ways, and again, I don't want to project. But something about your post and the responses gave me this horrifying feeling that if my dad had ever tried to post live! about some small part of what was happening in our home, he'd have been torn to shreds as The Asshole by default, because no one would believe a mother could act the way mine did unless he'd done something to cause it.
Or maybe that's not what's happening here at all, but I guess the possibility seemed vivid enough I wanted to say something, just in case.
I'm not great at responding to messages in a timely way, but if you want to talk about it, feel free to reach out and I'll do my best.
Bro chill
If the people around you who you want to introduce your boyfriend of **two years** to will react badly to him because he's a burns victim, you're surrounded by the wrong people. I feel terrible for the poor guy – does he know the reason you've been hiding him?