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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Melissa
Date: January 9, 2023
Yeah… I missed the part where he'd rather masturbate.
You really have three options…
“If this continues then we won't”. Then he admits it and probably porn is a problem.
Or you say “it's a problem”. Nothing changes and you accept being left wet and bothered.
Or you say “fix it or I'm gone”… Nothing changes and you move on.
At a high level those are your three options. You've already said it's a problem and now you're just stewing in frustration and anger.
Imagine yourself in a few years of being frustrated. Day after day of him saying “you're not worth the time. I'd rather watch porn a jack off than waste time on you.”
You love him? He's obviously not returning the favor.
How are you you going to thrive in that environment?
Imagine yourself doing this for years.
Me? I see an increasingly resentment and anger because someone who loves you wouldn't shit on you like that.
Now or years from now… This “relationship” isn't going to be end on a good note.
I have never successfully talked a starfish into being better in bed. If you manage it, you are a better man than me.
Op, I've been in your shoes. I dated a drug dealer for a year and a half. His distributor got raided one day and fearing he'd be next my ex was freaking out. I was also freaking out. You'd be surprised what he'll start to make you do…”hey babe, can you drive me to this person's house? I need to drop something off”. All of a sudden you're transporting drugs and you don't even know it until it's too late. You're in love and innocent, but sadly cops don't see it that way. Tell him it's you or the drugs and see what he picks. If not, leave.
You leave. Seriously. He’s a child.
Probably break up, open relationships are just breakup delays.