MikaylaLovely live! sex chats for YOU!


Hi!Let’s have some good vibes…Trick or treat!Happy Halloween!

Date: October 29, 2022

19 thoughts on “MikaylaLovely live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. She’s helping the dudes current girlfriend from potentially having kids with someone that can’t stay in a committed relationship too. Potentially saved her from getting STDs if he’s sleeping around while seeing someone. Helps the person who was cheating to realize that they’re not that smart and they shouldn’t have done it. And it helps to clear OPs conscious in the process

  2. Sounds like you’re using her. She’s seriously insecure and a people pleasure, she is incredibly vulnerable. If you’re not super into her, let her go before she gets in deeper.

  3. I just want to mention that just because its the grandma doesnt mean nothing bad will happen.

    Just a year or two ago there was a story in the news about a mom who was allowing the grandma and grandmas partner to do pedophilic stuff to the kids without the dad knowing about it

    And there was another similar story where the mom was letting grandma beat the kid whenever she wanted to, to the point where grandma would literally text mom “hey is granddaughter available at 5:30, i want to get out some frustrations”

  4. I feel like its rare for partners to finish together so don't feel bad about that. The timing has to be like about 15 to 20 minutes. Most guys finish well before then. Honestly, if someone came that quick for me, I'd feel complimented lol. I wouldn't laugh at it.

    If someone was taking forever to 'cum' for me, I'd feel incredibly annoyed that they were not aroused. I've had partners that lasted literally 40-60 minutes in bed with a hard-on and still not come. I later came to realize that those partners likely masturbated so excessive that they could last that long in bed. I won't know for sure cause they claimed they never did masturbation lol.

  5. Why are all these assumptions always made that the man must necessarily have something wrong them? Not everyone has to adhere to YOUR views on relationships. Is there a potential for power imbalances? Yes, but does that mean every single age gap relationship must be immoral and wrong? No, that’s incredibly ignorant. You don’t get to gatekeep relationships and infantilize CONSENTING ADULTS, they’ll do what they want to do regardless of your ignorant moral posturing and virtue signaling. OP just made the mistake of posting about it. Plenty of people are HAPPILY in age gap relationships and they couldn’t give a shit what people like you have to say about it.

  6. Staying friends with the ex is just gonna end up complicating your life and you're future. And it does seem he has trouble letting go of the “romance” part of it

  7. I don't think you are being sensitive. Jim is a rude jerk. You can't force your friend to dump him, but you can make sure that you don't spend any time with him. Stay away from him. Hopefully Tanya will come to her senses.

  8. That's a starfish.

    All you can do is continue to communicate your needs and dissatisfaction. What are you going to do if things don't improve is the question…

  9. Wow. I'd be pissed he didn't invite me if I were you. Fine if she still wants to go, but you should have been included. Your feelings are valid.

  10. Pet groomer- not to shave, but for a deshedding service. Every couple of months + depending on the breed of dog/type of hair should help cut down. Good food, plus omega 3 and 6 (fish) will also help keep their coat heathly which could mean less shedding. If you're not interested in a groomer, furminator shampoo and conditioner (conditioner is a must to keep their skin from drying out. Leave in five minutes then wash off). Don't use a furminator brush though.

  11. You don’t need to defend them or try to explain them. Focus on you, getting therapy, and building your self-worth. What happens with them should stay between them, and you can just consider it as something that is no longer your problem. You’ve wasted 10 years! Go focus on you and what is best for you!!!! Do the work to build your self-esteem through therapy and external activities (ANY volunteer work, art classes, language classes, local soccer or tennis or kickball leagues, cooking classes, any interest really). Wishing you good luck, OP. You can do this!

  12. Ummmm… many, if not most of us, had to take care of ourselves before we were rounding the corner to 30. I know it stings but she’s not wrong. You really have no life experience that many of your peers (maybe not your friends) have. Your girlfriend is 5 years younger than you but has a lot more experience. She wants to be your partner, not adopt you; so that’s why she wants you to learn. She doesn’t want to take over for your folks, and I can see why she’d be worried about that.

  13. He may have been a gifted kid if he's a top level physicist. He could have been pushed very hot or abused as a kid.

    Maybe start the conversation off with what his vision for the kids education would be, that way you know what you're agreeing to. Use that as a conversation starter.

  14. If by “move on” you mean leave the relationship, that's a lot easier to do in a LDR. It's one thing to be a minor involved digitally with someone far away, because there's no real way to ever resolve the distance. But if you're both 26 and this has been going on for three years it's truly time to either live in the same place so you can date for real or dissolve this.

  15. This would be a deal breaker. Having Mom live! with you would cause resentment on your part, and it would be the demise of your relationship. You would pretty much have a third wheel in your marriage. I would not get married until she agrees that Mom won't online with you.

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