Mskristine live sex chats for YOU!


mskristine chat

Date: October 1, 2022

11 thoughts on “Mskristine live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Can confirm. Also have a source of extended family as well as immediate family. And when I drank the kool-aid, all I was worried about doing was converting as many people as possible so they could “go to heaven”. It’s sick how they use fear to keep their people in line.

  2. i hear you, but i don’t quite understand why i have to stand by a choice i made years ago as a literal child. people grow and change so i just don’t get that. even if i made the decision two years ago i wouldn’t understand a need to stand by something after i’ve learned it might not apply now or might not have been the “best” decision at the time either

  3. Hello /u/worstfriend2022,

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  5. Great points. That’s honestly how it is I don’t want to have any contact. Thank you for that. Just want to do the right thing but I don’t really owe her anything.

  6. This relationship sounds exhaustingly tumultuous. They shouldn’t be this nude. If you keep breaking up and getting back together and he thinks you’re going to break up again, then maybe break up for good.

  7. It’s been 3 months, is he worth it? He knows you’re away when family. And it seems like it’s the sort of thing to discuss in person, not over text. Communication bumps/expectation clarity early in are to be expected. What would bother me is that he coding want for you to get back to discuss it.

  8. Yeah youre right well im a bit of a drunk regardless if shes going out or not but when she goes out i get depressed drunk and cant help but think shes talkint ti other guys. Her friends are married and shit and still go out and dance w other guys. So makes me feel like thats what all girls do and if my girl did that id consider it cheating and want to break up. So yeah im crazy sorry but i want to be better i really love her and ik im fucked

  9. I’d be dead of a self inflicted gunshot wound if it wasn’t for therapy; I went to a fucking dark place after the second tour overseas, and the amount of horrors I saw. 10/10 would recommend. It’s made me better in all ways

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