the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Date: October 16, 2022

9 thoughts on “ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Huh? Not wanting your girlfriend to prioritize girl trips over significant relationship milestones is most definitely a reasonable boundary. OP can set that boundary, it's his decision what to do if it is broken.

  2. Weight gain is often a symptom of another underlying issue, usually a mental health one. And commenting on the body of someone who's possibly struggling with something in her head is not bound to give results, as it's yet another pressure point.

    If you're really worried about her, try to address her mental health instead, and not her body.

  3. Yeah that's a sonsband. Go read up on justnomil and justnoso so you'll know what you'll be in for in the future..

  4. That’s the thing, ever since I haven’t trusted him at all. I’ve explained to him I now have a really nude time opening up to him because it felt like so much personal knowledge was forcibly taken from me. He on the other hand is glad he read it, because he felt it was information he deserved to know and would have never known any of it if he hadn’t read my journal

  5. You're not working to identify the problem. Instead you're blaming your mom.

    What precisely are you arguing about with your girlfriend?

  6. Yes im 29 and yes it does look like one of those teenage love idk why everybody hates on that i think it's quite pure i want that raw attraction and good vibe + compatibility, this new gf doesnt seem to be it i will switch soon and i will have wasted only a few weeks with a few good sex in the meantime. If it happens to end up great, i still win

  7. Similar to saying 'look at my big girl' while feeling her up IMO. Dumb but could be an honest mistake.

    'big/little' is absolutely a filler adjective during dirty talk, one we barely think about unless we have the specific size insecurity at play there. Source: am erotica writer.

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