“, Pump Mouth and Big cock” the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


“, Pump Mouth and Big cock”, 34 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms “, Pump Mouth and Big cock”

Date: January 2, 2023

8 thoughts on ““, Pump Mouth and Big cock” the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. There are two issues here, one you can work on on your own, the other he'd have to be willing to put some emotional labor into. It's never fair to put our own insecurities into the arena as something that affects our relationships. They're ours alone to deal with, usually with a therapist. No one can make you feel better about yourself but you. Then there's the lying he did. Doesn't really matter what he lied about or how important/unimportant that issue was. Just the fact that he lied is something you need to contend with. Not because you harbor insecurities that aren't his fault and can only be resolved by you (and your counselor). But because he made a promise to you and he willfully failed to online up to that. So don't confuse the two. You drew a line on porn, whether for valid reasons or not, and he agreed to toe that line – but didn't. So talk about the lying and the trust. Just don't make it all about these body insecurities of yours that he can't do anything about.

  2. There is no standard or rule book when it comes to relationships. She wants to take it slow, best to work at her pace and let her do the driving. If at some point this doesnt work for you then you will have to move on. You cannot force her to feel a different way.

  3. Agreed. It also seems people who are the loudest at screaming at mean for not commenting on women’s body or labelling them misogynist are also the quickest to comment on penis size as a insult.

    You either are fine with everyone commenting on each other bodies or don’t shame someone about their size or weight, or height etc. So many people especially in this relationship sub are massive hypocrites

  4. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR GUT. Yes it can be wrong every so often, but you’re probably right to be concerned. Some people are just nice and harmless, but dude is 99% trying to get with your partner. The fact she’s lying is not cool too. Why lie about something that’s harmless? If it was just work related then there would be coworkers there as well. I’m a dude and I know/work with a fair amount of guys, so this is textbook a person trying to sleep with her. A lot of guys don’t give two fucks if somebody is in a relationship.

    Obviously she’s her own person and going to do what she wants and prohibiting her from hanging out with others would be creepy as fuck on your part. “He’s just a friend…” can actually mean that, but most of the time it means more. Guys that age are sometimes going through a midlife crisis and they search out younger partners to not feel old and can be pretty fucking creepy about it while hiding behind a “nice guy” mask. Some of the creepiest dudes were in that age range. She’s at a weird age too. Still kind of young, but also close to when her friends are probably getting married. 26 year olds have some of their shit together, their careers are getting better, probably in a long term relationship, but there’s still the potential for one more wild splurge before really settling down. Obviously not saying everybody is like that, but I’ve noticed this happen to multiple friends around that age.

    Not trying to freak you out, but every time my gut was screaming “something is going on” it’s always been right. You need to have a conversation and soon. Lay it all out. Be careful, just lay out your concerns, call out the lies and ask whatever you’re thinking. Don’t scream “are you sleeping with him”, but watch body language and reactions. Discuss boundaries, but be careful. Some people will push back or start resenting their partner for “the rules” they implemented. Remember you’re in an equal relationship, so turning controlling or super jealous is not cool whatsoever. There is the chance that he’s just a nice guy/employer, but even nice guys like sex. I know a few “nice guys” and they hide behind that shit for nefarious reasons.

    I’ve been in this scenario and each time they were sleeping with the person or into them romantically. If that’s the case just move on. It’s not what you want to hear and I’m sure your gut is in knots, but if there’s love there, you’ll work through it. Keep in mind you’re both still pretty young and some people still want to have fun and aren’t ready for monogamy. He could be giving her something your relationship is missing? Just keep a cool head and talk. Our minds can be our worst enemy during scenarios such as this. Hope for the best for you!

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