Ramona, 18 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Ramona
Date: October 3, 2022
Ramona, 18 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Why do you need to watch porn? That appears to be an issue here. She is allowed to have a boundary in regards to porn, you simply never gave her the chance to put a boundary in place as you kept it secret.
Also not being able to sleep because you haven't jerked off is a big problem. You have issues
He likely had a girlfriend during the time you left him, and simply kept her things. Also, from the sound of it, you are not a very reliable, stable partner. Your relationship sounds very shaky and built on a crumbling foundation. Why do you constantly keep breaking up with him and going back? Why does he allow it?
Of course, but the comment I replied was talking generally and so I did too
In this case absolutely its the friend and wifes issue and fault, and there is probably more too it than a 1 off hot shoot
her gauy* and bisexual* girl friends
Leave that poor girl alone