RaquelleWilliams live sex chats for YOU!


11 thoughts on “RaquelleWilliams live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Come on now, you must have known that this would be a potential deal breaker.

    Sure, it's “just a job”, but it's one that is entirely based on selling yourself as a sexual object for the pleasure of others. That's of course going to be an issue for monogamous relationships.

    That and the expectations of “extras” is there…

  2. I would say you need to dive into your emotions and figure out why you feel that way.

    You feel jealous when you are confronted with the fact that these two guys are closer to each other an hang out more with each other than with the rest of your group, but why? What's it to you?

    You also say that you feel some kind of FOMO knowing this, but what exactly do you feel like you are missing out on? Does their friendship perhaps remind you of something you feel you are missing in your own close friendships?

    The only real way for you to deal with it, outwards speaking, is to put a lid on your feelings when you are with them and make the best of the time you spend together as a group. The jealousy and FOMO you are feeling have nothing to do with them as such. These feelings are coming from you, not from them.

  3. well sometimes you don't need to find fault on both sides.

    as far I see the issue is she lied and broke a agreement the both agreed upon on and even had enforce (he stating he lost some friends) but she made for said dude exception.

  4. She's living with her husband and the divorce is about to be finalized, but you've been dating 3 years and she wants to know if you are cheating? Just tell her yes and be done with it.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    He still lives at home and doesn’t have a car yet, I understand this. However I feel like he benefits more from this relationship than I do, I do his hair, cook for him, he’s always at my apartment I really take care of him. And at most we’ll probably go out on a date ? feel like he’s benefiting more. Forgot to mention he has a great job, 2 intact.

  6. I regret to inform you that you are currently in an abusive relationship and you are being abused. Yes, she may be traumatized, but she is abusing you and her trauma is unmanageable at the moment so she is not actually relationship material because she cannot be counted on to responsibly pull her weight in the relationship. You are supposed to be her partner, not her caretaker.

    You’re a good guy, and you love her, but this is one of those times where the best thing for her is to be pushed out of the relationship and get help because she is using the relationship as an excuse to avoid dealing with the trauma she has. Therefore she is going to continue abusing you whenever she feels bad about the trauma rather than actually dealing with the circumstances— you cannot do this, or you are going to end up as a miserable victim, eventually you will retaliate and hurt her, and she will probably escalate to physically harming you. Yes, I am serious.

    This is one of those times where if you love her, the best thing you can do for her is the very hot choice of pushing her to get help and then removing yourself from the situation so she has no choice but to deal with her problems instead of looking for distractions from them. I have been there, and I absolutely did need to fail a relationship in order to take a long naked look at myself to finally realize the way things really were. It was not a happy or good time, but it was something I needed to see. So from a trauma survivor about another— you absolutely have to leave, because she needs to learn to love herself and realize emotional self sufficiency without you or she will never be capable of truly being happy and she will completely burn right through you in the process.

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