Sam the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Sam, 21 y.o.


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Sam live! sex chat

Date: September 28, 2022

11 thoughts on “Sam the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Lots of people are saying to get him a gift card and I agree. Or get him a nice card that just says you’ll take him shopping wherever he’d like.

  2. He is a great partner and good father…

    OP, I know you are only saying this because you feel trapped and like you have no choice but to make yourself content with the situation you are in.

    Someone else said to gather evidence of all the expenses you have been paying for. Please do so and then talk to a lawyer. Don't just assume you have no case and your little one will be taken from you. Also, it doesn't sound like this man wants the responsibility, considering how he has been preparing for an easy separation. I think he is taking advantage of you while he can but if you leave he may very well wash his hands of both you and your baby.

    It sounds like you are also grieving some of your hopes and dreams, marriage and a loving little family.

    I highly recommend the book “Should I Stay Or Should I Go? A Guide to Knowing If Your Relationship Can–And Should–be Saved” by JAC Patrissi and Lundy Bancroft. Get it today, it will help you find the path forward that you're looking for.

  3. No. I think it's quite reasonable. I got MY degree, I take care of MY body and am absolutely gorgeous. I may not be the richest but that's the man's job. Ain't no convincing me otherwise

  4. You can’t control other women trying to get close to your boyfriend. It’s up to him to reject their advances.

  5. Thanks for being straight up. Sounds like you've been through some things and I'm glad you're in therapy and getting help to grow and heal through those difficulties.

    What are the things that he does do to show you her cares?

    I grew up poor too, I know how hard it can be to be generous with money sometimes.

    He may not be able to do it yet or ever.

    How did you fall in love? What was it like in the beginning? There's a time in the past he must've made you feel loved and special

  6. Used to do something like that but it's a lot more work and communication. Now I don't need to think about it.

  7. It sounds like you were talking about actual relationships and not her number of partners. This sounds like a simple miscommunication. If you're that curious, ask her how many people she's had sex with. Then ask her how many people she's kissed. And then how many people she's dated. She likely has a different number for each (if she remembers), like a lot of people, because they're not the same. You don't always go on dates with people you sleep with. You don't always end up in relationships with people you've dated. You don't sleep with every person you've kissed.

    You've based your opinion on her on the fact that's she's only slept with 5 people, when we're not sure that's exactly what she told you. Stop assuming things. If you can't get passed it, talk to a therapist.

  8. Hello! I was still processing everything since 8years is long, we’ve shared many memories, and both families are close; that’s why I didn’t want it to go to waste. However, I realized I needed to think of myself more this time and my peace of mind. So, I already talked to him and broke up with him. Just found out he doesn’t just watch porn on browsers, but he also tends it here, on Reddit. He follows girls on IG and used to comment on Tiktok vids. So yeah, I’m done. I felt terrible but relieved at the same time. I haven’t told any of my friends about this, and this was the only time I openly shared what was happening since I couldn’t take it anymore, so it now feels better than it used to. I hope when things get overwhelming, I can still compose myself. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and for the lengthy advice. I feel safe, seen, and validated. I truly trulyyyyy appreciate you all!! ???

  9. I’m confused. You say he isn’t talking to you, but also that you’ve talked one on one multiple times. So which is it?

    Some people enjoy privacy and want their personal life separate from work. He’s probably overcompensating trying to make it seem nothing happened, and you are probably overreacting.

    Either ask him to hang outside of work, or drop it.

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