ScallyMiranalive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “ScallyMiranalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If you make four servings of sauce, but are making dinner for two, do you mix all of the sauce in the noodles?

    I usually mix a little bit of sauce in with the noodles to wet them, and then put more on top to taste. I find it easier to judge the right amount that way. Mixing a whole family sized meal together would be fine too.

    But I want my leftover sauce separate. Gf is right that it gives you more flexibility to do other things with it, and pasta gets pretty gross sitting in the container with the sauce. It's way better to make new pasta for leftover day. (I would never blow up if my spouse mixed it all though lol)

  2. The grass isnt always greener on the other side. If you want to break up with your girlfriend do it. But don’t be upset when you realize this girl who can’t even respect your current relationship has more red flags to offer.

  3. God isn't being betrayed here. God's going to be fine. That concept was some (male) conceit from centuries ago to be used to guilt you into better behavior. Your wife is being betrayed, 'though. It's only in your heart now (and you don't need to tell the wife) — so are YOU going to have a talk with YOU to figure out who you want to be?

  4. I’d make sure he is safe first. Also about being blunt and all that.. you don’t know how anyone really is “in the end” which is why most relationships turn out nasty because of the sudden change in character. Maybe he isn’t as blunt and is more of a coward ending things. This reads as if he for sure ghosted you but who knows.

  5. idk, the way i see it, you could either be his friend or drop him, seeing as those are the options he seems most comfortable with. i recently found myself in a relatively similar situation but i won’t dig into it because that’s neither here nor there. Seeing as you already tried the “friends” route and it ended back up in another situationship, if you feel like you can’t do this whole friends with benefits dynamic without feeling uncomfortable because of your feelings, at some point you might have to “drop him” or just leave that friendship dynamic, no matter how much you guys like each other. it could be a “right person, wrong time” type of thing, but i don’t know for sure. At the very least, have a conversation with him and really ask him whether he’s willing to pursue a relationship with you, and if not, then you know his stance on the situation and you guys can come to a consensus on whether you can still try to maintain a platonic friendship or if you just have to let each other go. if he is ready for a relationship, then woohoo, very hot part over! either way, communication is key. hope you guys find something that works for the both of you, and good luck?

  6. He’s probably just a jerk you will end up divorcing, but go through the steps to make sure he’s not depressed or sick first. This is not normal, and should not be treated as if it is.

  7. Consider that maybe it’s also strange that you are asking this question to a bunch of internet transfers about a man you haven’t even met. Why is it weird for him to be flirting and sexual when you are also wondering intrusive things about his sexual anatomy? I don’t know if you’ve picked up this yet but part of my bewilderment is that while you might have a genuine naivety surrounding disabled bodies, the actions you’re taking and the responses to you have the feedback that’s been given is sounding more like ignorance.

  8. Ya agreed. I’ve read about Tangkat Ali and I do take Ashwaganda and have read about a few T increasing properties, but nothing that could cause the OPs side effects for sure.

    Also totally agreed about SARMs they’re wayyyy too lax in the way people take them. They treat them like vitamins not anabolic compounds

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