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5 thoughts on “scarlethsmith-10live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I wonder if it's live gambling.

    It's either lying or bonkers incompetence. Either would be a deal breaker for me unless he came at the issue with an answer to fix it.

  2. yup but this guy gets free karma for saying this. lol. this type of a post from a guy is super common on here and no one roasts anyone.

  3. This is called the sunk-cost fallacy. You've already lost two years of your life to this guy. Don't lose any more. It's not going to work out.

  4. I don't know whether you both explored and dated different people whilst separated, but I would say that chlamydia probably wasn't caught by swimming in a pool or something. It is an STD that can often have no symptoms for some people.

    Some people get symptoms immediately, some people take a long time to develop the symptoms, and some people never notice symptoms. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that either one or both of you contracted it during your break (hopefully only then) and only now are seeing the symptoms.

    I would research chlamydia and show him how this can be caught and be unnoticed for some time and both discuss if there are any people you were both seeing during your break that you will need to inform. I think unless someone you slept with reached out to you or confirmed they had it, or unless only one of you slept with someone else during your break, then it is unlikely to know who contracted and spread this so it is unfair to blame that all on you.

    Unless you've lied about hooking up with people during your break, or you've been cheating now, then it is just something that happened and he does need to move past this. At the end of the day you just take tablets for a couple of weeks and for all he knows he could have been the one who gave it to you.

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