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10 thoughts on “sexy_indianboobslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ah, I'm 7 months pregnant with my second right now and all I can tell you is that this is within the range of “normal”, gender disappointment is real and many many people experience it…. like many of us hes probably built up dreams and expectations in head – obviously in relation to what being a dad would look like to him amd contextually probably with a boy because he was a boy once and could think of all the things he wanted as a kid and give that to his kid etc, so now his “dream” was shattered. And as much as we don't like to admit it in society dads have more “protective” challenges with their girls than they would with a boy in a way- as in they look forward to a boy because they can relive their childhood again and do “boy things” and bond over mutual hobbies (I don't thunk they often consider that even if they got the gender they wanted that the child may not be inclined to want want to do theor own thing or have theor own interests etc) whereas with a dad to girl you're a dad and I think they find coming up with activities to do together really very hot because they just don't know how to play with girls as they weren't one and there's the added element and stess of “protecting” girls (more than boys), at the end of the day their reality didn't meet up with the dream he had in his head and he is going to need to some time to “mourne” his “dream”… welcome to parenthood in summary. Its the disappointment of the “expectation” he created in himself for his kid. He might take a while to mourne a little bit, but I have seen countless times men hoping for a boy then they get a girl and they're really upset at first, but as baby grows up they fiercely love theor daughter and can't imagine life without her. He needs some space to mourne and grieve his “percieved” loss.

  2. If they have a lot of followers but low following, there’s a good chance they buy bots to follow them depending on the engagement. If they only follow a handful of people and your bf is one of them, that seems intentional to me.

  3. She could totally go to jail for that. That is not okay. Those people have access to your body digitally. They could do whatever they want with it. What ARE they doing with it?

  4. #1 Don't go to her house.

    #2 “Breaks” typically are garbage ideas, especially without any form of “deadline”

    #3 You know your gf/relationship better then any reddit stranger. IMO you've got 2 options.

    A) Offer to give her space with a set deadline for you two to revisit and see if you and her want to try to continue. 1 or 2ish weeks. If she's still feeling the same way, then break up.

    B) Simply breakup and move on.

  5. Interesting that there was a similar post recently where the male half made a similar comment and he got roasted for being an asshole and everyone told her she should divorce him and accused him of cheating or would cheat.

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