Silentmary666 on OF the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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Silentmary666 on OF live sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

18 thoughts on “Silentmary666 on OF the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. That's the problem, I bring it up that she's being lazy and selfish and she goes into a mood where she just feels sorry for herself and proceeds to not speak to me, after everything I do it just seems mean.

  2. I've delt with this before man, it is annoying, people can downvote you but it doesn't make you wrong

    With these people it feels like any legitimate point you make is met with an emotional response

  3. Firstly and most importantly, congratulations on achieving your Master of Finance. Well done to you for putting in the effort, late nights, and early mornings and seeing it through to the end. You absolutely deserve to celebrate your achievement because it is a big deal.

    Now as to your bf, well, in a nutshell, he's belittling your success because minimizing you makes him feel big. His ego is wounded so instead of being happy for you he's wounding you to keep your relationship dynamic where he feels the most comfortable. The other reason could be that he's a narcissist.

    It's not your problem to fix but it is your job to advocate for yourself and call him out on his lousy behaviour.

    So now it's time for you to do some reflecting on how you want to proceed from here. Maybe speak to someone you trust to help you get your thoughts straight.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. It sounds like two problems and the first may cause the second. I would hazard that you’re frustrated/annoyed/fed up with him and his lack of help. And seeing him as lazy and unhelpful makes him unattractive and lowers your libido. I think it’s worth bringing up how you feel stressed and overwhelmed and that you need more help. And honestly my sex life improved so much when I started reading some seriously smutty books. At first I would have felt embarrassed buying the books but now I feel freedom in telling others about them. But that is where e readers come in handy. Message me if you want any book recs!

  5. I was serious when I told her I'd understand how a mistake like that could happen in a situation like that.

    Overall, you sound like a great guy, but also like a huge doormat. Cheating isn't a “mistake”. Your wife knew what she was doing. She lied to you for ages, she broke your boundaries.

    Even if she didn't have sex with the other guy (make sure to get tested….she most likely didn't use a condom for the bj), you can't trust her.

    And tbh, there might be more to the story than she and the couple right now let on. So be careful.

  6. Read that book that everyone always recommends. The one by Lundy Bancroft.

    Your BF is violating your boundaries, repeatedly, 'forgetting' that you voiced those boundaries, getting mad at you when you fight back, turns shit around on you, every argument, disagreement and i bet every decision is something he has to win, the relationship only goes smoothly when you don't challenge him, cater to his every whim and take his bullshit with a smile, right?

    This is abuse. He does not see you as a person or at least as less than him and not worthy of basic respect.

    It will not get better. Why? He gets what he wants as long as you stay, if you threaten to leave he will ramp up his charms and be very sweet and caring until the next time he feels like putting you in your place below him.

    He isn't forgetful or mentally challenged. This is not the reason he treats you like that. He does so because he's an asshole. You can't cure assholes from assholery, you can only cure yourself by cutting the one not atttached to your body out.

  7. You need to blunt with him about what you want.

    But also at the same time nothing stopped you at any point enquiring before the actual day what plans were and suggesting things or planning something.

  8. i feel like this isn’t something you should be pondering about lmao. do you actually wanna associate yourself with a bigot and then potentially bring children into it? like come on.

  9. She said that he only touched her to pose her and make adjustments.

    I’ve worked with dozens of models on shoots like this and I’ve never touched a single one of them or even thought about it.

    She did sign something giving him full rights and ownership

    I would never have a model sign a release on sensitive photos that are meant to be private. I would have them sign a consent form and get a copy of ID because of the nudity, but the release implies he intends to sell the photos.

    Your friend is a piece of shit.

  10. “I don't remember” famous words from every cheater ever.

    IMO and life experience, alcohol does not change a person's inclinations, it reveals them. GF is okay with getting up inappropriate with random whenever drinks? Yeah, she'll do that sober.

  11. am i the only one who wouldnt care lol human relationships are complex ? i wouldnt ask someone to drop all their friends cause at one point they fooled around. sometimes ppl are jusy meant to be friends and not partners and thats okay but then to cut them all off later??? i agree it should be told tho incase she gets told by someone else later. her view on it is her own tho im just like ? its never this serious ?

  12. You need to be honest with her about how you feel. If you want only FWB but she wants a full on relationship, you need to let her go. It’s not fair to her any other way.

  13. Is this the way he usually responds when you ask for your needs to be not only recognized but taken care of?

    When it comes to displaying love, or being appreciated, or your sex life, or working on being partners when it comes to housework and the like?

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