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SuperGirlSupermanlive sex stripping with hd cam


14 thoughts on “SuperGirlSupermanlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. u/RadiantIntrovert80, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. OK, in some ways having a baby with someone may deepen the relationship, but as thousands of women who thought “if I get pregnant it will save the marriage” can attest, his having a baby with another woman doesn't mean he will leave you for her.

    And I feel like being too uptight about that will just make your own bond with him weaker.

    So here's a question to consider — are you this baby's stepmother? Does your bf see it that way? Do you and he envision the two of you participating in this child's life as a couple? Or is this something off to the side of your relationship with him that he will handle on his own? This might say a lot about how he sees your relationship over time, and how you see the relationship over time.

    You both are kind of too young for this, but it's here. You aren't just kids a couple years out of high school. He isn't just a guy who is still friends with a hook up. There's a child here now. You are all going to need to think differently about everything, as if you were 5-10 years older than you really are.

    I expect that it would be possible to find a couple's counselor who would counsel the three of you (including baby mama) on how to communicate, set boundaries etc. If you can possibly swing the cost of this it would be worth it.

  3. if she was making fun of me. because I'd treat it 100% seriously. Then she would be in the position of having to say “oh, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry”

    Basically, if someone is being forward with you, you can either respond in kind and go with what happens, tell them to stop it, or just dither around while they get bored. I'm partial to the assertive and direct approaches (go with it, OR tell them to knock it off, depending on how I'm feeling).

  4. (and physically)

    Must be able to lift at least 35 pounds on several occasions throughout the day. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Anyway, to be serious:

    We have a passionate sex life and we long to see each other every day, so on one hand I’m very happy with the idea of moving in together.

    The danger with moving in together is that you spend too much time together. Certainly enjoy what's essentially another “honeymoon phase”, but do remember it's important to maintain some independence. Some friends, or hobbies, or trips, or whatever else that you do on your own. Sometimes as simple as doing your own thing in a different area of your home.

    Even then, you will fall into a bit of a routine, and that's okay, just be weary not to fall into a “rut” and I think one of the best ways to do that is to maintain some of that aforementioned independence.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Yesterday morning I (19f) woke up to semen all over my face and pillow. I didn't know what to do but i just went to the shower and cried for 2 hours then washed all my sheets and pillows. Im not sure if that was a mistake or not since if i didn't wash them i might have proof rn but in the moment i just wanted to be clean.

    Around the end of the day I broke down and confided in my mom. She helped me calm down and was patient about it but suggested I probably just dreamed it or mistook what it was. I tried telling her that i didn't dream it and that it was definitely what i thought it was. But she just told me to go rest and try and forget about it all.

    I feel like im going crazy and im on edge around all the men in the house now. Im not sure who it could be and that is making me feel unsafe around all the men. Right now the men in the house are, dad (50m), my brothers (22m, 24m, 27m) and my sisters boyfriend but i know its not him as he is ftm. Im scared in my own home and my mom wont belive me but I have nowhere else to go. All my friends have move or are on vacation and any other family live! out of state. Is there a way to convince my mom im telling the truth.

    Edit: My sister is home from work now. The situation is worse than I though. I talked with my sister, she is with me now and will stay with me in my room till we can both get out of the house tonight, we will go stay with her bf for the time being. She told me something nearly identical happened to her about a month ago and she told our mom and she told her the same thing to her that she did me. I dont trust our mom anymore, i feel violated and angry. My sister didnt even come to me because mom gaslit her just like she did me. I want to just scream at her. I wont be replying for a while, sorry. me and my sister are packing and want to just comfort each other and get out of the house asap. Thank you everyone for the advice.

  6. Two things.

    Don’t date co workers , wether you take him back or not, this will be awkward in your workplace. Don’t date someone that lies, they find it easy to lye about anything and everything.

  7. That's fantastic and I'm happy for you, I think you're doing very good. What games do you play? Also keep going, I'm glad you also start to see it from a different perspective since from when you posted.

  8. Girl how on Earth could you find this man attractive… god forbid something ever happens like a person or animal attacked you, he would whimper away because it was too loud.

    I have sensory issues so I understand a little bit, but if mine were as bad as his supposedly are, I would be working nonstop to solve the issue, not constantly ruining my relationship with it. This isn’t normal.

    Either tell him to shape up or find yourself a man with self-respect, and that at least WANTS to protect his girlfriend.

  9. So if she tells you that and you trust her, are you ok with her actually sleeping with sting or are you thinking it would be said as a joke?

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