the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


, 27 y.o.

Location: Somewhere

Room subject: Sex every goal, facial cumshot on 3rd goal

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Date: September 20, 2022

11 thoughts on “the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. That sucks, I’m sorry you’re going through that. I‘ve dealt with similar people. Before cutting them off entirely, I would suggest communicating with them about how you feel. Maybe they’re not aware of how their actions (or lack thereof) are affecting you. If they still don’t change after that, I would suggest trying to find some better friends.

  2. Are they identical twins? If not, they have different DNA, and the paternity tests will not show your BIL as the father. Not even close. Unless, of course, you have cheated on your husband with your BIL.

  3. Pop a reminder on here, to read your post in 10 years time. See if you still have the same attitude. I very much doubt you will. You need to stand up & advocate for yourself coz no one else will. If you are not in the mood to blow him, tell him no. If he's pushy instead of respecting your answer, then you know he's simply using you for his own gratification & doesn't give a shit about your feelings, your needs & boundaries. I learned this the hard way. Men like this feel entitled to your body when they demand it. It's manipulative & gross & will make you feel objectified in the long run.

  4. As soon as I read the hand on your knee bit, I immediately knew he was a creep, and it just got worse from there

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