Tric-xiyy online sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 19, 2022

10 thoughts on “Tric-xiyy online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You a person or a doormat? He’s cheated on you with this woman for FOUR YEARS! One of which after he promised to break it off! You weren’t sharing! Sharing implies that you gave your blessing!

    Grow a set of ovaries and do something about it.

  2. Your only option now is to communicate that you’re no longer returning his calls or messages on a permanent basis, and that he can either stop contacting you himself, or if he continues to ignore your wishes, you have no other choice than to block him.

    “I can’t focus on another person right now, I’m exhausted” says it all OP. You’re done. Just make it final.

  3. I’m sorry ❤️ I’m sending you so much love. Just know that you deserve so much better & whatever happened and whatever happens- none of it is your fault. He is simply projecting his own issues and insecurities on you. I hope that you can find that love and peace that you deserve.

  4. Your ex is a fucking loser an is wrong on every single fucking level. People will always find people attractive, that is unavoidable, but a quality man does not cheat, he recognizes fleeting attraction for what it is and stands by his love. They're not some kind of unicorn either, quality men are everywhere, and I'm sure once you are ready, you'll find one.

    I am proud of you for seeing you ex for what he is, an absolute fucking loser, and dumping his ass.

  5. Totally upto your convenience, I'm curious though, how would you explain the difference? I can see it, but I can't articulate it well enough.

    (“drastic/incredible demand to affirm my preferred Human experience of inner empowerment…” Ie. Along those lines? imo)

  6. You should only need to say it once. You set a boundary, and he kept crossing that boundary. Buying that DNA test was the consequence of him crossing that boundary. A lot of people like to get butthurt when they have to face the consequences of their actions. Tell him that if he doesn't feel like taking the test, then maybe he should stop implying that you're a cheater since you've already told him to stop the unfunny jokes, and those are not the kind of jokes your son needs to grow up hearing.

  7. The classic 'eat whatever you want and won't gain weight'.

    This really isn't a thing. When someone seems like they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight, it means they don't want to eat more calories than they are using by both existing and being active.

    There's three distinct problems going on:

    1) Your husband's lifestyle changed and as a result he gained a lot of weight in a short period of time. This is a health issue.

    2) It doesn't sound like your husband being skinny, the body type you are attracted to, was an intentional choice and merely the result of the lifestyle he happened to fall into. This is an external locus of control issue.

    3) Faced with embarrassing consequences of his current lifestyle, your husband is unwilling to make changes to get back to the body he had before, and is also unwilling to go to couple's therapy and work on the issues. The issue here is that he's not ready to change.

    Unfortunately, of these issues the biggest problem is #3. Until he's ready to change there's nothing you can to to help support him in making positive changes.

    You can't control what you're attracted to, and while I see that people are telling you not to tell him that his weight gain has negatively affected your attraction and reduced the amount of intimacy… they aren't giving you any actual solutions.

    What your husband needs is a wake-up call, and you've already waited a year with no progress.

    It's been a year and I've been trying to get over it, but I just can't and it's getting worse.

    This isn't something you're going to get over, because we do not choose what we are and are not attracted to. It sounds like you've made a year of efforts for him to reverse some bad habits and he hasn't made any efforts at all.

    At the end of the day you shouldn't be trying to force yourself to be attracted to your husband, and the side effects of a sedentary life are merciless. The way you and your husband take care of yourselves in the next couple decades will likely determine not just how long you'll on-line, but massively impact the quality of life you have.

  8. I just don't get this logic at all though. Like why would you want to be friends with someone if you have to tip toe around them and be careful about what you say? What would you possibly have to be careful about saying because this person is a cheater? I remember how somebody at my work told me that they were friends with a girl even though she lhaf a kink for being “the other woman” because it wasn't my coworkers problem or her business. But yet the whole reason why we were having a conversation was because there was drama at work about this homewrecker of a friend of hers flirting with her boyfriend and it causing an obvious side eyes from everyone in the room at the party from tge nught before. Just a lil ironic imo.

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