WildAngel54 on-line webcams for YOU!


10 thoughts on “WildAngel54 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Thank you for this! That’s interesting about how most guys take 6 months to a year to know if they want to spend the rest of their life with someone.

    I know I said in my post that I really really like her but I probably should have said love. I do feel like I love her and we tell each other that all the time. As far as if I feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with her, I’m probably 80% of the way there. The remaining doubt largely is due to lingering fear about whether there are things about her I don’t know about due to us only having dated for 10 months. One thing I said in our discussion yesterday was that even though that’s how I feel now, I feel like it would still be irresponsible of me to decide on marriage because it just hasn’t been long enough. And also, while I say 3 years, that’s just kind of a rough estimate based on nothing really. I told her that once I know I’m ready, I’ll know, but I can’t say for sure when that will be.

  2. I’m not sure if it’s too late, because I’ve been through this same rodeo before only difference is I didn’t have my ex full on admit his feelings for me the way he has this time, I’m positive there’s still hope No I haven’t admitted to my bf yet, but I will , he deserves to know and deserves a an opportunity to decide if he still wants me after what I did

  3. OP’s comment about how he responded similarly in another context where he absolutely should’ve shown empathy. So, after that and what he said to her here, she’s on Reddit trying to ~figure him out~ instead of asking how to break up with him.

  4. If you even consider taking this absolute goofball seriously you need to give your head a shake

    This girl is completely out of control and you should only consider her as a short term thing AT BEST

    personally I’d be deleting her number and never speaking again. You do t need this nonsense in your life

  5. If both ” I'm bi ' and “I'm pregnant ” feels overwhelming, start with ” I'm bi, here's my partner” at like a nice dinner. Make it clear you both plan on the long run. And make sure he's on the same page as you.

    Then later, maybe a week or so let them know you're expecting. A lot of new moms hold off these announcements until near the end of or after the first trimester, because of the various things that could cause a miscarriage early on. Another good point to announce would be when you have an ultrasound.

  6. I’d think I’d feel comfortable wearing it on my right hand. I would just love to not care or worry about what others say or ask, so I could wear it on my ring finger.

  7. Thanks for all of your advice. I think he wants me to break up with him first so he'll don't feel guilty about it and will end up saying that “you're the one who left”

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