to make my fist day rock here/ welcome in my room guys [1105 tokens remaining]
Date: October 24, 2022
to make my fist day rock here/ welcome in my room guys [1105 tokens remaining]
Crisp new relationship and she doesn't want to have holidays with you and more importantly doesn't respect your feelings. I'd be going on holidays without her
Dude being alone is way better than being with someone who treats you this way. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it at first, but trust me. Break up with this person and then build up your self esteem. Do stuff alone, go to coffee shops or the zoo or just to the library. Literally just get out of your comfort zone a little, it may feel weird at first but you will start to appreciate yourself more.
This should be easy to fix, go to a lawyer ask them about waiving your rights and getting a set child support payment in place. See if you can get something added about communication being limited or only done through your lawyer in place.
That way it's all documented, and you have protected yourself and you're fulfilling your legal responsibilities.
Bro you're both muppets
You can't get over trauma quick. If you could, we'd all be living our best lives.
Fair enough. In that cases, you BF is an ass. He shows no concern for how you were treated and chooses his friendship over your relationship. He's okay with women being treated that way. I get the betrayal this is. Respect yourself and walk away
Is he an old friend? Why’d she decide to move in with him?
So what's the problem with his soccer game then?
Have a little self-worth, man. You are her plan B, atm and doormat and baby sitter all in one. Go find a woman with less baggage and respect for their partner. Is this the life you wanna love because it's a preview of the next 30 years idnyounstick around.
I don't particularly think this specific woman in this specific post is behaving in a super mature way. (Neither is OP.) Do you not see though that you are rapidly and nonsensically generalizing from this one situation and applying a bizarre, nonsense theory to all women? That's the problem. When you stop that, you will be happier.
I'm not sure, and as far as I know birth control pill usage hasn't changed much. I do know that barrier methods and spermicide are less effective than the snip so if he really wants to guarantee he won't have a little oopsie he should consider it. Plus, of all the options, it's the only one that affects his body and not his partner's.
You don't “let” her do or don't do anything, because it's not your decision to begin with. Whether she will want to resume donating blood again in one year is entirely up to her.
You can tell her you don't want to come with you specifically because you don't appreciate her disregard for her own health and safety, but you can't stop her from going on her own if she really wants to do it.
But again, there's really no reason for you to bring that up with her now when it's currently a non-issue and you don't even know if it will become an issue again in the future. Wouldn't you also feel strange if your girlfriend brought up an issue that she thought you may or may not cause in one year's time?
So, was the threesome worth it?
OP my abusive dad threw a piano bench at me and my mom when I was 7, and I’ve never forgotten it. She makes excuses for him to this day. Your partner is abusive. I don’t care what her reasons for being abusive are– you keep trying to explain them and defend her. What I care about is that instead of working on herself and her issues she threw a lamp at you and your daughter. your daughter isn’t going to forget this, her mom’s behavior is going to affect her for the rest of her life, and she’s always gonna remember that you chose her mom over keeping your child safe. Take it from me, someone who’s lived through it. I’m sorry it’s challenging to hear, but it’s the truth. I hope some of this gets through to you.
The only thing you can do is communicate with her. She does t have to listen though so be prepared for that. You two aren't an item and each may do whatever each pleases. It never hurts to express how you feel though. Best of luck.
I was denied disability for my epilepsy three times, even though I was having dozens a day. I couldn't even shower myself, because I nearly drowned several times. Thank gods, I was able to be seen by an epileptologist, who did a week-long video EEG on a monitoring unit, changed my meds, did a brain MRI, and changed my VNS settings. I'm finally down to maybe four or five a month.
Disability is hard as shit to get.
I agree, she needs a social worker or someone to help advocate for her at doctor's appointments, etc.