❤️ Welcome guys! We are Lisa 20 y.o ❤️ and Lis 20 y.o ❤️ and Nika 20 y.o ❤️ and Sharon 20 y.o ❤️ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


❤️ Welcome guys! We are Lisa 20 y.o ❤️ and Lis 20 y.o ❤️ and Nika 20 y.o ❤️ and Sharon 20 y.o ❤️, 20 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️ Welcome guys! We are Lisa 20 y.o ❤️ and Lis 20 y.o ❤️ and Nika 20 y.o ❤️ and Sharon 20 y.o ❤️

❤️ Welcome guys! We are Lisa 20 y.o ❤️ and Lis 20 y.o ❤️ and Nika 20 y.o ❤️ and Sharon 20 y.o ❤️ live sex chat

Date: September 25, 2022

29 thoughts on “❤️ Welcome guys! We are Lisa 20 y.o ❤️ and Lis 20 y.o ❤️ and Nika 20 y.o ❤️ and Sharon 20 y.o ❤️ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Thank you for the advise. That is what I’ve been mulling over for the last 3ish months.

    It’s not easy to end a relationship with the love of your life

  2. He needs a support system outside of you. He's struggling so much so that he's looking to score. Talk to him and let him know that he needs help and that it's okay. This isn't someone he can do alone. He needs people who will have his back especially in his darkest moments. I know you have his back. He's not weak or less of a man for getting support.

  3. Yeah, a dead phone can possibly be remedied so obviously he’d have to bail on plans with her at her family’s.

  4. I would have had better opportunities would I have stayed in London, one of my biggest regrets at the moment moving here for him.

    My husband moved from London to my country, and he definitely had to take a hit too for the first 2-3 years. He was able to work remotely for his old company when moving here at first, so he got a work permit tied to that. Given the differences in salaries though, his pay was peanuts and I supported him a lot during the first 1-2 years. Luckily, he was then able to find a local job, and there was less of a financial worry…. but yeah, he's still not at the point in his career where he could be, had he stayed in London. We're both perfectly aware of that.

    Overall….it sounds like there's a LOT of resentment in your relationship, and you both seem to have regrets around how the relationship turned out.

    Do you both WANT to work on this relationship, or do you want to move on?

  5. Sounds like he's making excuses. I think it's good to know now vs 10 years from now.

    But, I have to ask, why are you spending money to get a degree you don't want just to go back to get a degree you do want? That seems financially irresponsible. You could easily have gotten a cert in something else (maybe 2 years time tops) to make more money to support you going for a degree you do want.

  6. ….tell him that this behavior is inappropriate and is exactly why you don’t feel comfortable purchasing him a gun. He isn’t stable.

  7. One factor is that it's over 25 pages long. I'm a writer and sometimes prefer to write out story lines by hand. Unless his handwriting is big and messy, that's a lot of content. It's not something that could come up with just from brainstorming.

    He wrote out detailed scenes, not game mechanics. When you develop a game, you come up with the storyline, but there's more focus on how to make the game playable. For Eg, how does the mind control work? Is this a tabletop? Is it meant for media like a game console? Are these scenes cut scenes? Like his game excuse falls through pretty quickly. And if others took part, it would have more noticeable in the outline.

    25 pages handwritten is not likely to be a passive project. That takes time, effort, and a lot of thought into the characters' development, and the plot.

  8. I read his story as well. I genuinely think he is part clueless about being sick and how it feels.

    And that he has the need for strong patterns of behaviour that he doesn't deviate from and doesn't have an awareness that internally people being sick means – look after me and leave me alone at the same time.

    It feels like he has a lack of empathy but not deliberately malicious.

    I say this as a person who has an autistic person close to them and some of the ideas they come out with are kinda the same, like not understanding things but wanting to do the same thing every day.

    If he was shown how to care for a sick person and deliberately ignored it and was annoyed that you couldn't help him and was being off about you being sick, like you were deliberately not helping and leaving him to do everything and he didn't like that. Then that is a whole other issue of being an AH with intent to harm and that would not fly at all.

  9. Y’all don’t even give good sound advice lmfaooo ?? straight to “break up with him” instead of idk maybe solving the problem.

  10. I can accept there is probably some frustration on his end if he is genuinely unwell, but that is not an excuse to take it out on you and the people he is supposed to love and care for.

    His controlling, abusive behaviour is not OK, and you have every right to feel over it. Your children will pay the price if his behaviour continues.

  11. Dude, I would divorce you asap. You know what’s harder than being a single mom? Being a new mom in a relationship with someone who puts you and your child second and gives you a lot of stress all the time. When you’re single, you at least don’t have the stress and pain of the constant let downs.

  12. I have no problem understanding the move, as I on-line about 4000 miles and a whole Atlantic Ocean away from my own family. If I divorced, I very well might want to move back to where my personal support network is – which would be in the best interest of my kids too. OP doesn't specify his disability or how capable he is for caring for the children. Can he handle everyday care for all 5 on his own? Can he manage the kids if the then ex-wife needs medical care, or is out of commission one way or another?

    It's pretty typical to move close to your own family when you have kids, even more typical after you divorce and can't count on your ex-spouse anymore.

    That said, she's trying to offer terms that are as fair as possible to OP.

  13. I totally get you want to give her the best life. Try to enjoy the pregnancy. I wish you all the best.

  14. I love my ex aftell all that shit. You are a doormat then. For your own sake, stop being a doormat. You are young and inexperienced, but you are already acting like a doormat.

    Grow some spine and shape the f**k up.

  15. If you two are getting on well, why is it an issue? There is time. Sure you’re a late bloomer I suppose but if she can afford to buy a home and such on her own, why would it be a dealbreaker?

  16. It sound like she gotten so use to venting at you she is not willing to open up to anyone else. I would set a very hot boundary that you don't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with her venting and that she needs to find other avenues for venting. You could also ask for a break, some time apart. Also every time she does talk to you and brings up postive things and the negative, just focus about talking about the positive.

    Friendships are meant to be as equal as possible. Seems she doesn't want to listen to your vents as much as she wants to just off load onto you. That doesn't sound very equal to me.

    I hope your medical stuff stays manageable. I know how much autoimmune stuff sucks. Finally having answers is good at least.

  17. Maybe you're right. English is not the first language so idk if I am expressing the converter correctly. It was like I would be the reserve. This is the literal translation but idk if it makes any sense in English

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