Sorry to hear that you're having such a hot time, it seems like you did a great thing for your health and self-confidence with the weight loss. Congratulations!
Dealing with that negativity will always be hot, as you're building on your self steem, but you can only focus on how you handle those comments and learn to not take it personal. There's not a lot you can control of their actions. Your family can obviously not see how they are affecting you, and they just do what they know. You may need to have less contact with them, so that the talk doesn't affect you so much. You can explain to them openly how what they are saying is affecting you and ask them to not do it, but it will be up to them to follow.
One thing that has worked for me in the past is to try and not react to comments, but it took me several years of practice. So when someone says “you are too skinny, you look sickly, x, y,Z” you try and not react. You just say yes, or thank you, or “ok”. But until they are asking a question, you don't answer. You don't explain yourself. Most of the things people say are just their opinion, and if you try to not react, they will keep pushing and asking questions, and only when they articulate a question or request, you answer, in the most calm form you possible can.
Get individual counseling to determine what’s the underlying cause of your perseverative behavior. Sounds like having sex with other men is your primary focus.
Please don't have kids with this manchild, OP. He will never prioritize your health or well-being over his blue balls – he's the kind of person who doesn't let you have a recovery period after birth and will make you do all of the feedings as well. My father was like this; he refused to give my mother a glass of water while she was brestfeeding and he never even changed a diaper even though he had two kids he lived with full-time.
Your life-partner is someone who chooses your well-being first over any of their wants.
Sorry to hear that you're having such a hot time, it seems like you did a great thing for your health and self-confidence with the weight loss. Congratulations!
Dealing with that negativity will always be hot, as you're building on your self steem, but you can only focus on how you handle those comments and learn to not take it personal. There's not a lot you can control of their actions. Your family can obviously not see how they are affecting you, and they just do what they know. You may need to have less contact with them, so that the talk doesn't affect you so much. You can explain to them openly how what they are saying is affecting you and ask them to not do it, but it will be up to them to follow.
One thing that has worked for me in the past is to try and not react to comments, but it took me several years of practice. So when someone says “you are too skinny, you look sickly, x, y,Z” you try and not react. You just say yes, or thank you, or “ok”. But until they are asking a question, you don't answer. You don't explain yourself. Most of the things people say are just their opinion, and if you try to not react, they will keep pushing and asking questions, and only when they articulate a question or request, you answer, in the most calm form you possible can.
She she only cheated the one time 2 weeks ago and she's five weeks along then the baby is yours, but I kinda doubt she only cheated once.
That being said even if the baby is yours I'd dump her, you don't have to be her boyfriend to be there for her as a father.
Get individual counseling to determine what’s the underlying cause of your perseverative behavior. Sounds like having sex with other men is your primary focus.
He is working there because it was her idea, not his.
We don't know the extent to which he was caring for his grandmother. He could have been watching TV with her and making her lunch.
I need an award to give you dude. Bravo
I have one of more than 20 years. It's not that he thinks things I do aren't important. It's that we have perspective and priorities.
Please don't have kids with this manchild, OP. He will never prioritize your health or well-being over his blue balls – he's the kind of person who doesn't let you have a recovery period after birth and will make you do all of the feedings as well. My father was like this; he refused to give my mother a glass of water while she was brestfeeding and he never even changed a diaper even though he had two kids he lived with full-time.
Your life-partner is someone who chooses your well-being first over any of their wants.