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lexznmikeee live sex chat

Date: January 14, 2023

4 thoughts on “lexznmikeee the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He's focused on his career and making money. That's what and how he wants to evolve. Pretty normal for today's world, unfortunately. That's all a person is expected to do. Either you accept that and continue on as you have in the past, or look for a person who has other interests in life as well.

  2. This is presented as a stark all-or-nothing when it’s not. Parents can and do give each other “breaks”. Time away, as it were. I feel like you’re over-simplifying a complex and flexible thing and that there’s plenty of room to help each other out that doesn’t demand both parental figures be “on” all the time. Kinda tone deaf, really. But on the other hand, if you are actually the kind of person who doesn’t just shoot their fool mouth off proclaiming stuff you can’t online up to, you actually step up – good luck! Being “on” all the time is exhausting. I hope you are given breaks when you need them, even if at the time you’re too stubborn to admit it. You’re still wrong, but that’s kind of a universal human trait, that we fuck up but get by somehow, so… have a good life? And maybe remember this later when you learn more.

  3. Legit this he probably went into a panic because he realized he will get outed if OP tells people the reason for the divorce. She really shouldn't stay with this man. Regardless of gender. He cheated on her and broke his vow.

    She deserves better and should go heal on her own away from all this bs.

  4. Honestly, I just think there are a lot of assumptions and lack of communication happening here.

    Firstly, YOU are the one who should be issuing invitations to YOUR parents. You've been laying this off on your wife, which is totally inappropriate. She handles her parents, and you handle your parents.

    Secondly, the passive/aggressive “we could have been there” BS has to stop. The solutions are a) block her from commenting on any of your wife's FB posts, b) call her out on FB, by responding “You were invited and chose not to attend”, c) Tell your Mom to cut it the fuck out.

    Thirdly, there is a LOT of assuming going on here. Both you and your wife are assuming that your parents have tons of time on their hands because they are retired. My parents were WAY busier when they retired, because they were finally free to do all the things they couldn't do when tied to a job. They were on the go all the time and had plans months in advance. Also, you are both assuming that your parents should be ectastic to be thoroughly involved in your children's lives. But, what if they aren't? What if being around babies and small children isn't what they want at all? Your expectation that they should want to be involved and them not wanting to be involved can be sorted out by TALKING about it. Stop making assumptions and having expectations that may not be what they want at all. Going to Chuck E. Cheese with a bunch of loud little kids may be the stuff of nightmares for them. TALK to them.

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